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Universidad San Francisco de Quito

Name: Abigail Carrillo

I.D: 00207067

Topic: Migratory Conflict

According to the 2020 census in the United States, 13.7% of the population is made up of
immigrants as opposed to 4.8% in 1970. Nowadays, the US is the country with the most
immigrants in the world. People migrate for various reasons, including socio-political problems,
persecution, and poverty. Most of them seek an upgrade in their lifestyle and a better future for
their families. The topic of migration has become mainstream and prevails as one of the main
political issues in the country because of the repercussions many people believe it has had for the
country and its citizens. High rates of migration have created polarization in the US. There are
people pro and against migration. This study will focus on the analysis of the ideology of each

Nationalism, xenophobia, and conflict of interest are some factors that motivate people to
reject the entrance of foreigners into the United States. Many extremist groups have formed due
to this. For example, The Ku Klux Klan, and Proud Boys are white supremacist groups that are
considered ¨hate groups¨ because they are characterized by their racist rhetoric. They represent
the concentration of capitalism over the exploited class in the United States of America. The last
mentioned is shaped mainly by Afro-Americans, Asians, and Latin people (Pierce Randel. W.
2021). Over the past decades, minorities have suffered, not only racism, discrimination, and
oppression, but of violent attacks that have taken multiple lives.

On the other hand, the parties that support immigration recognize the human capital value
that foreigners represent. Jaumotte, Koloskova, and Sanexa affirm that arrival of immigrants
adds talent, knowledge, and labor to the residence country. Also, it increases the active age of the
population (2016). This increments the productivity of a nation and also the income range. An
organization that protects immigrants is ACNUR USA. This organization protection, assistance,
and services to immigrants in vulnerable situations. This institution works next to the U.S.
government to conserve economic and political support for global projects. This has allowed
minorities to feel safer in an unknown nation. Also, it helps them to develop a new lifestyle in a
country where their duties and rights are respected.

Immigration has caused division in the United States. There are people that are genuinely
concerned about some negative consequences that immigration could bring, while others have
more extreme ideologies that see some immigrants as unworthy of being in their country. On the
other hand, people that are more liberal support immigration. They welcome immigrants, want
their development, and protect their rights. Thus far, there is no consensus between the two
parties, and it seems that the problem is deepening by the day.


Budiman.A.2020. Key findings about U.S. immigrants. Recovered from:

Jaumotte. Koloskova.Sanexa. 2016. Los inmigrantes aportan beneficios económicos a las economías
avanzadas. Recovered from:

Peirce Randel. W.2021. El Ku Klux Klan.Un siglo de infamia. Gainesville:

Universidad de Florida.

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