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What is an
A statement that involves
one or more variables and
which becomes true or
false when the variables are
assigned to specific values.
Truth Set
The set of all values
that will make the
open sentence true.
Determine the truth set of
the following open
1. 𝑥 + 1 = 5

Look at the 2. 2𝑥 − 3 = 9
3. 𝑥 is a negative number
Example 2 such that 𝑥 2 = 4
4. 𝑥 is an integer such
that 𝑥 2 = −16
5. 𝑥 2 − 25 = (𝑥 − 5)(𝑥 + 5),
where 𝑥 is real

1. The only value of 𝑥 that makes the open

sentence true is 4. Hence, its truth set is {4}.

2. Similarly, 6 is the only value of 𝑥 that can

make the open sentence true. Hence, the
truth set is {6}.

3. In this given open sentence, we found out

that there are two values of 𝑥 that can make
“𝑥 2 = 4” correct, that is, 2 and −2. However, it
is stated in the sentence that 𝑥 must be
negative. This means, 2 is rejected. Hence,
the truth set of the given open sentence is

4. Noting “𝑥 2 = −16”, 4𝑖 and −4𝑖 are the only

values of 𝑥 that can make the equation true.
However, the obtained values are not
integers. Hence, the truth set for this open
sentence is {} or ∅.

5. Any number that is to be substituted to 𝑥

can make the open sentence true. Hence, the
truth set is set of real numbers.

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