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Pharm Nursing Style Practice Questions

Exam 4- Endocrine and Reproductive Medications

1. The nurse administered 12 units of regular insulin to the patient with type I diabetes at 0700.
Which meal prevents the client from experiencing hypoglycemia?
A. Breakfast at 10am
B. Lunch at 12pm
C. Dinner at 6pm
D. Nighttime snack

2. The client diagnosed with type 1 diabetes is complaining of dry mouth, extreme thirst, and
increased urination. Which interventions should the nurse implement? Select all that apply
A. Administer one amp of IV 50% glucose
B. Prepare to administer IV regular insulin
C. Inject Humulin N subcutaneously in the abdomen
D. Hang IV D5W open to gravity
E. Check the client's blood glucose level via a glucometer

3. Which statement best describes the scientific rationale for prescribing metformin (Glucophage)?
A. This med decreases insulin resistance, improving blood glucose control
B. This med allows carbohydrates to pass slowly through the large intestine
C. This med will decrease the hepatic production of glucose from stored glycogen
D. This med stimulates the beta cells to release more insulin into the bloodstream

4. The adolescent client is prescribed the birth control med depot medroxyprogesterone (Depo-
Provera). Which interventions should the nurse implement? Select all that apply
A. Instruct the client to schedule an appointment every 3 months
B. Explain that infertility may occur up to 2 years after discontinuing
C. Demonstrate how to administer the med subcutaneously in the abdomen
D. Discuss how to care for the IUD inserted into the vagina
E. Tell the client that they will not have to take a pill everyday

5. Which client should the nurse recommend taking a combined oral contraceptive pill for birth
A. The client who smokes two packs of cigarettes a day
B. The client who is taking an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor med
C. The client who is 65” tall and weighs 100 kg
D. The client who has a family history of ovarian cancer

6. A nurse is educating the patient on testosterone therapy. Which of the following statements by
the client indicates a need for further teaching?
A. “Excessive testosterone will increase my benefits in testosterone therapy.”
B. “Irreversible changes are facial hair, clitoral growth and lowered voice.”
C. “Reversible changes include ovulation and the redistribution of body fat.”
D. “Amenorrhea for six months suggests a clinical response.”

7. The client with hyperthyroidism is administered radioactive iodine. Which intervention should
the nurse implement?
A. Explain the med will destroy the thyroid gland completely
B. Instruct the client to avoid close contact with children for 1 week
C. Discuss the need to take the med at night for 7 days
D. Administer the radioactive iodine in 8 ounces of orange juice

8. Pt order to take Synthroid for hypothyroidism. Later re-admitted with: HR 42, BP 70/56, glucose
55, temp 96.8 ‘F. Pt is very fatigued and drowsy. Family reports the pt has not been taking meds.
Which of the following conditions is this patient most likely experiencing?
A. Thyrotoxic crisis
B. Myxedema coma
C. Grave’s disease
D. Toxic nodular goiter

9. The client has developed Cushing’s syndrome as a result of ectopic production of ACTH by a
bronchogenic tumor. Which med should the nurse anticipate the HCP prescribing?
A. Ketoconazole (Nizoral)
B. Methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol)
C. Propylthiouracil (PTU)
D. Hydrocortisone (Cortef)

10. The client is diagnosed with Addison’s disease and asks the nurse “Why do I have to take
fludrocortisone (Florinef)?” Which statement is the nurse’s best response?
A. It will keep you from getting high blood sugars
B. Florinef helps the body retain sodium
C. Florinef prevents muscle cramping
D. It stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete ACTH

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