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Dreams, 30/01/21

This dream was actually pretty nice and gave me a warm feeling when I woke up. It
was mainly about my relationship if this boy, who happens to be transgender.
I don’t know exactly how it starts, but we met through the internet and became
friends. He lived in New York, and someday I finally went there to meet him in person. I
guess I was 18 or something. I guess we were already in love, because I remember getting
that warm feeling when I saw him.
At some point, the dream became about flashbacks, his flashbacks, about moving to
the US and coming out. I guess he was from Europe, and I don’t know why but his parents
sent him to America when he was still a kid, probably 12 years old or less. I’m not sure, but I
guess he’s family is from a non-english speaking country and owns a lot of hotels, and they
wanted to open a hotel in the US, so that’s why they sent him there, so he could “become
american” and take care of the family business.
There’s one specific flashback, when he’s at what I think it’s a boarding school, and
the teacher splits the class into boys and girls, and he wants to be with the boys, but the
boys don’t want him, and it’s very sad.
I don’t know if some time has passed since I got to New York, but suddenly we’re
planning our wedding. Sounds a bit crazy because I’m madly in love with this guy, in the city
of my dreams, getting married in an extremely fancy hotel and everything seems simply
Of course that something bad would happen, at some point, and I guess it’s on the
wedding day, but I honestly can’t recall it at all. I just know that something bad was there.
Maybe bad vibes, I guess.
I don’t know exactly why I decided to write this dream, especially because I haven’t
been an active writer at all, but this dream meant a lot to me. I haven’t been happy in a long
time, and just to know that I was happy in a distant dream, I already feel a bit of relief.

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