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Hi Kylie!

I am not really enjoying my new school, but it is for sure much better than my previous one. Let's
just say that I generally don't like school and its system.
My school is full of toxic and two faced people, but I believe that that kind of people are the best
because they teach us life time lessons. My classmates are also two faced, you can´t trust or rely on
anyone. They also disturb lessons a lot so sometimes it gets hard to pay attention to class.
Now I will write you a little about schoolwork and homework. To cut it short, we get a lot of work
because some teachers think that we only have tests and homeworks from their subject.
Don´t get me wrong there are some things I like. I enjoy some subjects. Of course it depends on
teacher. Some teachers make lesson interesting so it is easy to pay attention to it. I don't even study
for some subjects because if I enjoy the lesson I will remember every single bit from it.
Well, thats all I have to say about my school. I was maybe a little to critical, but its just my opinion
so no hard feelings :)


Elena Drvoderić, 2.K

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