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Name of Student: Lian Cabase Date: 11/04/22

Course: Based Science 1 Score/Rating:

Chapter 7. Application

Analyze the song "Price Tag". Write an essay.

According to this song, persons who care about money are greedy and selfish, eager to harm others in
order to amass wealth. I agree that there are greedy people in the world that value the "sell" over the
"truth." Many of us know people that fit the stereotype stated in the song, or we've seen it on television
with characters like Mr.Crabs from Spongebob Squarepants. Believe it or not, honest people who
prioritize the truth over the sale do exist. Shocked? If these people did not exist, I doubt the song Price
Tag would have had the same impact on the wider population. Nobody includes themselves in the
"everyone" stated in the song, thus we stand united with Jessie J and her message. A simple way to feed
the superiority complex of persons with excessive riches who forego certain indulgences in order to look
pure is to demonize materialism. This song is an illustration of this method. This song may be a self-
obsessed song vomit that exalts the performers as altruistic, compassionate people who care for others.
Of course, this is nonsense.When wealth is such a commodity, it is quite simple to declare that money is
irrelevant. The reality is that money plays a significant role in most people's lives.

Price Tag highlights the greed that grows out of the desire for wealth in order to examine the harmful
effects of money in society. It omits to mention the advantages of our monetary system, such as how
much easier business is now. The song overlooks the fact that purchasing goods and services is a good
thing, a reward for one's labor, and that for the majority of people, money reflects the hours they spent
at work. To disregard money as insignificant is to undervalue people's efforts to support themselves and
their family. To "forget about the price tag" is to disdain individuals who are concerned about how their
money is spent and to disregard all the work that went into earning it.

The song preaches messages that are widely recognized and endorsed. Nobody can buy happiness with
money. Materialism is harmful. These lessons seem self-evident: living simply without an abundance of
worldly possessions is nevertheless a happy life, possibly even one that is superior than the allure of
excessive money. There is nothing wrong with letting individuals know that they can be content despite
not having a lot of money. Given that it downplays the value of money, Price Tag is a foolish song.
Money is crucial. We must remember the price because, unlike artists, the majority of us do not earn
enormous salaries that would allow us to indulge in our most irrational fantasies. To survive, we must
keep in mind the price tag. Price Tag, however, is not as morally upright as it first appears. The song fails
to address the issues that individuals who are worried about the cost of goods must deal with and
instead presents a shallow story of the exceedingly wealthy rather than a defense against greed.

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