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Good morning teacher, today I am going to talk about The Spiral of Silence, but first of all, we

have to define ¿what is The Spiral of Silence? Well, this is a theory from the area of political
communication proposed by the German political scientist Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann, in her
book The Spiral of Silence. Public Opinion: Our Social Skin released in (1977), where she studies
public opinion as a form of social control in which the people adapt their thoughts and
opinions to prevailing attitudes about what is acceptable and what is not. Public opinion is for
Noelle Neumann the skin that gives cohesion to society. Neumann theorizes that society
threatens to set people aside who express positions contrary to those assumed as the

Well, now that we know what the spiral of silence is about, I would like to talk about how it is
still strongly present today. One of the most common places where this theory is applied is at
school, where a new stage of changes begins for young people, bringing with it a lot of
insecurities and at the minimum social error with your classmates will end up you becoming
the weirdo or simply that person who nobody wants to talk in the class but ¿why does this
happen? Well, I think that people, especially when you are young, get carried away too much
by the first impressions of a person and if they don't like you at first, they simply put you aside,
they insolate you, ¿how can we solve this? talking to them, getting to know them, basically not
letting ourselves be carried away by first impressions.

In conclusion, the theory of the spiral of silence is a harsh reality today and has always limited
human capacity and their environment, and should be completely erased of this world.

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