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M5L1 Seat work 1

Make a poster showing the different social media that greatly affects the lives of humans.
Indicate solutions how one can avoid being addicted to the use of technology.

Nollora, Anna Mica

This is my artwork and it aims to be cartoony as well with a twist of

digitalization. The aim of this poster was an obvious movement for us to neglect the
negativity of social media. We all know the advantages and positive effects that social
media has brought us to. However, we can also look at the negative sides of it that is
very alarming in this generation. Being addicted to social media can develop
frustration and other psychological means. To solve this study, we need to establish
limits for when and where technology should be used. Consider making mealtimes
screen-free times and bedrooms tech-free zones. As a student and aspiring career
person, I have this routine to avoid too much screen time on technology. I used a
tracker and a calendar to organize my things to do either small tasks or bigger tasks
that can improve the essence of my life, creativity, passion and skills. I also teach
myself to be involved around things that I don't know and propelled my interest to be
a better person. They can do paintings, watch movies, read books, go outside, breathe
some fresh air, and many other things that are interesting. We need to stop being too
dependent on technology for our peace of mind, betterment of life and to see the
beauty of ignorance as well as nature. Focus on learning new things and being
physically, mentally, and financially active. Allow yourself to grow. When you plant
seeds in the garden, you don't dig them up every day to see if they have sprouted yet.
You simply water them and clear away the weeds you know that the seed will grow in
time. Similarly, just do your daily practice and cultivate a kind heart. Abandon
impatience and instead be content creating the causes for goodness; the results will
come when they're ready.

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