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Ict has helped so much in the improvement of means and speed of communication. It has become such an
important part of modern life that living without it would be almost as of we're going back to our old
strenous ways of communicating with other people who are away from us. It's also a great help to us when
solving rear life problems.

While that may be so, it is undeniable that ict does have its bad effects. It is generally believed that ict
makes a positive difference, but it's always to much of a good thing for something to not have bad effects so
naturally, ict also has a bad effect on the learning process.

Ict has been always interesting and hard for me when I first encountered the subject. I never imagined that
ict is a powerful tool that it is being used to connect people who are living far away from each other. And yes
there is inspiration focusing yourself, reach your limitation think this as your biggest fear to achieve. And also
i'm agree, because children can concentrate and the parents can teach bit in module you can really know the
answer and parent help to answer it.

Ict is an integrated systems that enhances the learning quality of students on the philippines. I personally
support this program overall, only when the needed since it is basically the main thing that is widely ignored
when people talk about ict.

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