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How the computer affects us

Are computers really important?

Computers are good means of educations because it helps students to learn and read. It helps us
find out and analyze any kind of information. With the help of computers, we can talk to people
from different countries, and even see them. Computers are used now in business, public
services, education, and most of all, in entertainment. Almost everything we do and every aspect
of our life is affected by modern technology like the computers.

There are a lot of advantages using a computer. Firstly, all the mental work we need to do, from
a simple equation to huge statistic data would be almost impossible without using the calculator.
Finally, Medical care and all the equipment used while helping people like x-ray and ultrasound
scanners for pregnant women would not provide such results if led only by human hand.

Though a computer might be really helpful for our lives it also have its own disadvantages like
harmful impact on people’s health by staring at the screen for hours, Computer addiction is also
a serious psychological problem. It also hampers people’s development in real life. We do not
read printed books anymore, since we can listen to audio books or read books online. We spend
less time with people, since we would rather talk to someone online. And also we are too
dependent on autocorrect apps like Grammarly and we never learn the proper spelling of a word,
and will more likely to make spelling errors without it.

However, People are on the new generation and high-technology is part of it. There is no
possibility to live without them nowdays. We use these resources we get on computers for our
daily lives in order to save time and make things easier. Therefore, People should prefer
computers because firstly, today all documents and data are written on computer especially
internet. We share our countless sources by using the internet. In addition, books are read in the
internet. All of this acknowledges shows that computers are treasure for students.

That’s why computers are useful and there is no possibility to live without them nowdays, as we
got too much used to them. However, we should also work to find the ways of making our
dependence on technology less dangerous for us. New developments much be utilized when it is
important and helpful for people. Also depends if the user would be dependent or not on the
computers. So let us be aware of using computers.

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