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Name: Mohammed Vayda Teacher: Mrs.


5.02 Magazine Template

You will compare an absolute monarch with a constitutional monarch. Select one monarch from each list:

Czar of Russia Ivan IV, also known as “Ivan the Terrible”

Charles I, Constitutional Monarch of England.

Absolute Monarchies v.s Constitutional Monarchies

Use these guiding questions to help you write your article text.
Replace the questions with your article.

Paragraph One – Czar Ivan IV was an absolute monarch who ruled

Russia with an iron fist. He rose to power after his father handed it over
to him. Ivan IV gained a lot of land by using power and he asserted
Russia’s military dominance. He also added a new code of laws for
Russia. Challenge Ivan IV faced was being prone to rage. He was
intelligent, but randomly he would burst into an uncontrollable rage. The
influence Ivan IV left on Russia was “Terrible”, he was called Ivan the
Terrible because he made a police force just to kill the people who
opposed him.

Paragraph Two – Charles I was a constitutional monarch who ruled

England but had limits to his power. He rose to power by coming of age
in his family. He accomplished strengthening Parliament, however, this
led to his downfall. Challenges he faced were with Parliament because
Parliament said that Charles I couldn’t use martial law to rule, raise
taxes without Parliament, or wrongly imprison people. Charles went
along with this to get money, but then ignored Parliament and this led to
a civil war between the Crown and the Parliament. The influence he left
was that the monarch does not have absolute power over the country.

Paragraph Three – These rulers were similar because both could rule
their people and make decisions that would affect their country. They
differed because Ivan IV answered to no one and made decisions based
on his own accord, Charles I had to get Parliament’s consent to do big
things. Ivan IV had a lot more power than Charles I because he was the
highest person in Russia with nothing restraining him. Ivan IV affected
his nation by gaining more land but ruling ruthlessly. Charles I started a
civil war with Parliament over who he had to answer to.

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