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1. Do some research.

Go online, watch the news, read the newspapers, or study

whatever gives you a broad view of the current facts related to the goal assigned to
your group. Include a report in which you explain the most important details on this
topic. (500 words).

Access to clean water and sanitation is a fundamental human right that is essential
for leading a healthy and dignified life. Unfortunately, despite significant progress in
recent years, a large percentage of the world's population still lacks access to
these basic necessities. In this report, we will examine the current state of clean
water and sanitation around the world.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF, 2.2 billion people
worldwide lack access to safe drinking water, and 4.2 billion people lack safely
managed sanitation services. This means that a significant portion of the global
population is exposed to diseases and other health risks due to the lack of access
to basic sanitation and clean water.

The problem is particularly acute in low-income countries, where the lack of

infrastructure and resources make it difficult to provide clean water and sanitation
services. In these countries, it is estimated that over 80% of wastewater is
discharged untreated into rivers and oceans, polluting the environment and
contributing to the spread of disease.

The situation is slowly improving, however, thanks to the efforts of governments,

NGOs, and other stakeholders. The United Nations has set a target to achieve
universal access to clean water and sanitation by 2030, under its Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs). To achieve this goal, significant investments in
infrastructure and technology are required, as well as changes in behavior and
attitudes towards water and sanitation.

One promising approach is the use of new technologies to improve access to clean
water and sanitation in remote and rural areas. For example, solar-powered water
pumps and purification systems are being used in some parts of Africa to provide
clean drinking water to communities that would otherwise lack access to it.
Similarly, low-cost sanitation solutions, such as composting toilets and pit latrines,
are being deployed in some areas to provide basic sanitation services.

Another critical issue is the impact of climate change on water resources. Changes
in weather patterns, droughts, and floods can all affect the availability and quality of
water, making it even more difficult to ensure access to clean water for everyone.
Therefore, sustainable water management and adaptation strategies are needed to
ensure that water resources are used efficiently and sustainably.

In conclusion, access to clean water and sanitation is an essential human right that
must be protected and promoted. While progress has been made in recent years,
there is still much work to be done to ensure universal access to these basic
necessities. Governments, NGOs, and other stakeholders must continue to invest
in infrastructure, technology, and education to improve access to clean water and
sanitation, especially in low-income countries, and ensure that these resources are
used sustainably to address the challenges of climate change.
2. Propose sustainable actions Write 4 objectives of your work.

Proposed Sustainable Actions:

Promote conservation and protection of water resources: Encourage individuals,

communities, and industries to use water wisely and reduce wastage. This can be
achieved through public education campaigns, water-saving technologies, and
policies such as water pricing that incentivize conservation.

Invest in sustainable sanitation solutions: Promote the use of eco-friendly and

affordable sanitation solutions that reduce pollution and improve hygiene. This can
include promoting the use of composting toilets, pit latrines, and other innovative
solutions that are appropriate for different contexts.

Ensure equitable access to clean water and sanitation: Address inequalities in

access to clean water and sanitation by prioritizing underserved communities and
improving infrastructure in these areas. This can be achieved through targeted
policies and investments that focus on ensuring access to basic services for all.

Encourage partnerships and collaborations: Foster partnerships between

governments, NGOs, the private sector, and local communities to promote
sustainable water and sanitation practices. Collaborations can help share
knowledge, expertise, and resources, leading to more effective and sustainable

Objectives of Work:

To raise awareness about the importance of clean water and sanitation and the
impact of water pollution and poor sanitation on human health and the

To promote sustainable water and sanitation solutions that are affordable, eco-
friendly, and appropriate for different contexts.

To advocate for policies and investments that prioritize underserved communities

and ensure equitable access to clean water and sanitation.

To foster partnerships and collaborations between stakeholders to promote

sustainable water and sanitation practices and address the challenges of climate

3 Plan and explain different sustainable actions you can adopt in your house with
your family or with you friends. Each student must propose at least three different
actions. (about clean water and sanitation)
There are several sustainable actions that can be adopted at home to promote
clean water and sanitation. Here are six different actions that can be adopted by
individuals or families:

 Install low-flow faucets and showerheads: This is an easy and affordable

way to save water and reduce your water bills. Low-flow faucets and
showerheads can reduce water consumption by up to 50%, without
compromising water pressure or performance. These can be easily installed
in your bathroom and kitchen, and can help to conserve water and reduce
the amount of wastewater that needs to be treated.

 Composting organic waste: Instead of throwing away organic waste such as

fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, and eggshells, consider
composting them. Composting is an eco-friendly way to dispose of organic
waste, as it reduces the amount of waste that goes to landfills and helps to
create nutrient-rich soil for your garden. You can use a compost bin or pile in
your backyard or balcony and turn your organic waste into a valuable

 Collect rainwater for gardening: Rainwater harvesting is a great way to

reduce your water consumption and help your garden thrive. By collecting
rainwater in barrels or containers, you can use it to water your plants, wash
your car, or even flush your toilet. This can help to reduce your reliance on
municipal water supplies, especially during dry periods or droughts.

 Overall, these three sustainable actions can help to promote clean water
and sanitation at home while reducing your environmental impact. By
adopting these practices, individuals can play their part in protecting our
precious water resources and promoting a more sustainable future.

 Fix leaks promptly: A leaky faucet, toilet or pipe can waste a significant
amount of water over time. Be sure to check your plumbing regularly for
leaks and fix them promptly to prevent unnecessary water loss.

 Use eco-friendly cleaning products: Many conventional cleaning products

contain harmful chemicals that can pollute waterways and harm aquatic life.
Switch to eco-friendly cleaning products that are biodegradable and free of
harmful chemicals, or make your own using natural ingredients like vinegar
and baking soda.

 Use a water-efficient washing machine and dishwasher: If you're in the

market for a new washing machine or dishwasher, look for models that are
certified as water-efficient. These machines use less water per cycle, which
can help to conserve water and reduce your water bills.

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