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I learned a lot about AIDS and HIV by watching WARD 448. It

gives me a lot of knowledge about AIDS and HIV like you can’t get infected
by it through touching, kissing, and sharing something to the person that has
it. What I learned is you can get infected of AIDS and HIV through any kind
of sex that doesn’t have a protection like condoms, a reuse needle that used by
the person who has it, and blood transfusion that came from a person who
have AIDS and HIV. And I also learned in WARD 448 how to avoid getting
infected of it by being more aware and being more prepared in what you will
do. I also learned in the play that we need to have a wide knowledge about
AIDS and HIV in order for us to avoid it. And I also learned that we need to
have an wide open mind to sex in order for us to understand what should we
do when we will doing it. And lastly I also learned that we need to open our
minds and hearts to the people who has it. Because they also did not want to
have such a disease and not all of them are to blame for why they got that
disease. And that’s all of what I learned about the WARD 448 an HIV
awareness play. Thank you for reading my reflection.

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