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According to the video that I watched, ethical communication is fundamental to thoughtful

decision- making and responsible thinking. It is also about developing and nurturing
relationships and building communities within across contexts, cultures, channels and
media. The video asserted that ethical communication is based on five main principles:
respect, trust, honesty, integrity, and fairness. Respect means treating others with
consideration and dignity, understanding the difference between right and wrong, and
showing sensitivity to the needs of all parties involved in the communication. Trust
involves believing in each other, being open and honest about intentions, and honoring
commitments. Honesty is about being truthful and disclosing accurate information.
Integrity means being consistent and reliable; maintaining a dedication to ethical
standards and continuing to do what is right. Finally, fairness is about recognizing and
valuing each person’s contribution and maintaining an equitable balance of power in
decision-making. With ethical communication, individuals can build bridges of
understanding, create positive change, and take responsibility for their thoughts, words,
and actions. Ethical communication also leads to more fruitful conversations, more
authentic connections, more honest relationships, more sincere dialogue, and ultimately, a
more just and equitable society.


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