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Bontoc Campus
S.Y. 2023-2024
Bachelor of Science in Criminology


Sumerbang, Rhea
Fang-asan, Franze
Fallaweg, Alfonso
Guinayen, Norman
Coniyat, Zeny
Cadoy, Lukeson

Subject: Social Orientation


Schedule: 11 am- 12 pm (MW)

In our increasingly interconnected and diverse world, the ability to
navigate social interactions with grace and respect has become essential.
Differentiating protocols, good manners, etiquette, and diplomacy are all
crucial components of effective communication and harmonious
relationships. Let's delve into each of these concepts to understand their
significance and how they contribute to positive interactions in various
settings. Protocols refer to established sets of rules or guidelines that dictate
how specific situations or events should be conducted. These rules are often
formalized and followed to ensure order, fairness, and consistency in various
contexts. Protocols can range from diplomatic protocols governing
international relations to workplace protocols for meetings and procedures
for social events. They help prevent misunderstandings and promote a sense
of structure and respect in interactions.
Good manners, also known as civility or politeness, are the social
behaviors and courtesies that demonstrate respect and consideration for
others. Good manners encompass a wide range of actions, from saying
"please" and "thank you" to holding doors for others, and they are a
fundamental part of positive social interaction. They create an atmosphere
of mutual respect and facilitate smoother communication between
individuals and Etiquette is a more formalized and detailed set of rules and
practices that govern behavior in specific situations or cultures. It provides
guidelines for everything from table manners to appropriate dress codes for
different events. Etiquette varies across cultures and contexts, and
understanding and following these rules demonstrate cultural sensitivity and
respect for traditions. Observing etiquette helps individuals navigate social
situations confidently and with consideration for others. Diplomacy is the art
of managing international relations, negotiations, and conflicts through
peaceful means. It involves skillful communication, negotiation, and
compromise to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes. Diplomats play a
crucial role in representing their countries and advancing their interests while
maintaining positive relations with other nations. Diplomacy is not limited to
international politics; it also applies to interpersonal interactions where tact
and discretion are required.
These concepts are interconnected and essential for fostering positive
relationships in personal, professional, and international spheres.
Understanding and practicing differentiating protocols, good manners,
etiquette, and diplomacy enable individuals and societies to engage
respectfully and effectively with others, promote cooperation, and build
bridges across cultural and social divides. As our world continues to evolve,
these principles remain timeless tools for fostering understanding and
The objective of learning about good manners, etiquette, diplomacy, and
protocols is multifaceted and encompasses various personal, social, and
professional goals:

1. Effective Communication: Understanding these concepts helps individuals

communicate more effectively and respectfully.
2. Building Relationships: Learning these principles fosters positive
relationships with others. Politeness and respect, demonstrated through
good manners and etiquette, contribute to trust and rapport in personal
and professional relationships.
3. Cultural Sensitivity: Etiquette and diplomacy involve understanding and
respecting cultural norms and practices
4. Professional Success: In the professional sphere, these concepts are
crucial for career advancement
5. Conflict Resolution: Diplomacy plays a vital role in resolving conflicts
6. Representing and Preserving Identity: Etiquette and protocols often reflect
cultural and societal values
7. Promoting Civility and Respect: Good manners and etiquette contribute
to a more civil and respectful society.
8. International Relations: Diplomacy is essential in international relations,
where it serves to maintain peace, resolve disputes, and promote
cooperation among nations. It contributes to global stability and security.
9. Personal Growth: Learning about these principles can be a part of
personal growth and self-improvement. It encourages self-awareness,
empathy, and a commitment to personal development.

This report delves into the distinctions and importance of four key
concepts: etiquette, good manners, diplomacy, and protocols. Each of
these concepts plays a significant role in shaping interpersonal
interactions, professional conduct, and international relations.

The objective of learning about these concepts is multifaceted:

1. Enhancing effective communication and building positive

2. Fostering cultural sensitivity and promoting cross-cultural
3. Advancing professional success through workplace etiquette and
4. Facilitating conflict resolution and peaceful negotiations through
5. Preserving and representing cultural or organizational identity.
6. Promoting civility, respect, and personal growth.
7. Contributing to global stability and cooperation in international
In conclusion, understanding the nuances of etiquette, good manners,
diplomacy, and protocols is essential for individuals and societies to
navigate diverse social, cultural, and professional landscapes. These
concepts serve as pillars of respectful and harmonious interactions, both
on a personal and international level, and are indispensable for fostering
cooperation and maintaining peace in our interconnected world.
In this report, we have explored the distinct yet interrelated concepts
of etiquette, good manners, diplomacy, and protocols. These principles
are fundamental in shaping the way we interact with others, whether in
our daily lives, professional careers, or on the global stage. They
underscore the importance of respect, consideration, and effective
communication in fostering positive relationships and achieving shared
The objective of learning about these concepts goes beyond mere
knowledge; it extends to personal growth, social cohesion, and global
stability. By embracing these principles, individuals can enhance their
interpersonal skills, boost their confidence, and contribute to a more
respectful and harmonious world. On a broader scale, nations can use
diplomacy and protocols to build bridges, resolve disputes, and prevent
In conclusion, etiquette, good manners, diplomacy, and protocols are
cornerstones of a civilized and interconnected society. They provide us
with the tools to navigate the complexities of human interaction, promote
cultural sensitivity, and safeguard international relations. As we move
forward in our ever-changing world, the wisdom of these principles
remains indispensable, guiding us toward a more respectful, harmonious,
and cooperative global community.
The term Etiquette is derived from the French language and is defined
as the customary code of polite behavior or the contemporary conventions,
forms, manners, rules or ceremonies governing social behavior. This code or
set of conventions and manners are recognized as acceptable and required
in sciential relations. Such rules or norms are not limited to society’s
interactions in general but also include relations within a social or professional
Thus, for example, Etiquette also refers to the code of conduct or ethics
prescribed in certain profession. This code of ethic will govern the practice
and actions of such professionals in their interactions with each other. Keep in
mind however, the purpose of Etiquette is not to simply prescribe the ‘do’s
and ‘don’ts’ of polite behavior or good manners such as how to sit at a table,
how to eat or how to converse with other people.
The objective of Etiquette is to produce polite, respectful people who
demonstrate a behavior that is kind, polite, dignified and respectful. Above
all, Etiquette seeks to ensure that people are threated with and shown
respect as everyone deserves. An example of this conversation between two
people. Etiquette requires that you wait until a person finishes his/her
explanation, narrations, or expressions of view before expressing your ow
thoughts or opinion on that matter. Interrupting a person while he/she is still
talking in a rude and impolite manner, is not an accepted norms or etiquette.

Protocol is like Etiquette but on a more official and international level.

Traditionally, it is defined as the etiquette of diplomacy and affairs of the state.
This means that Protocols constitutes the code of behavior, ceremonial forms,
courtesies and procedure accepted and required for interaction between
heads of state government and diplomatic officials.
Protocols take one or a more serious nature in that they are rules
detailing how certain activities should be carried out and how government
and international officials must conduct themselves. As with Etiquette, a
protocol establishes the correct, formal, and polite behavior that should be
maintained. It is an set of procedures for what actions to take in a certain
A protocol also refers to a legal document, more specifically, an
international agreement that either supplements or amend a treaty or
convention. The most common meaning of protocol is “a system of rules that
explain the correct conduct and procedures to be followed in formal
situations,” as in these example sentences: The soldier's actions constituted a
breach of military protocol. They did not follow the proper diplomatic
A person with good manners shows respect towards feeling and
sentiments of others living in the surroundings. He/she never differentiates
people and shows equal regard to everyone. Modesty, humbleness,
kindness, and courtesy are the essential traits of well-behaving person. Good
manners are strong indication of how you’ll behave in the future, they
indicate whether you’re dependable, reliable, and selfless. These critical
elements in building trusting personal and business relationships.

Examples of good manners can manifest themselves in seemingly

small actions and rewards — like holding the door open for someone and
receiving a silent smile of recognition in return. But it can also make or break
crucial relationships and be the difference between harmony and conflict at
home, at work, or even between countries and cultures on the world stage.
Good manners refer to the polite and respectful behaviors or actions
exhibited by individuals in various social situations. It involves showing
consideration, empathy, and understanding towards others, while adhering
to accepted social norms and expectations. Good manners also involve
maintaining proper etiquette, showing gratitude, using appropriate
language, and displaying courteous and kind attitudes towards others.
Having good manners helps to foster positive interactions and relationships,
and it contributes to creating a harmonious and respectful society.

The profession, activity, or skill of managing international relations,

typically by a country's representatives abroad. Diplomacy is the art, the
science, and the means by which nations, groups, or individuals conduct
their affairs, in ways to safeguard their interests and promote their political,
economic, cultural or scientific relations, while maintaining peaceful
The purpose of diplomacy is to strengthen the state, nation, or
organization it serves in relation to others by advancing the interests in its
charge. Diplomacy encompasses everything leaders do to advocate for their
national interests around the world. They secure those interests by leveraging
a vast array of foreign policy tools (including sanctions, foreign assistance,
trade, and armed force). The real challenge in foreign policy is deciding
which tools, and how much of each tool, to use in a given scenario.
Some general examples of responsibilities of a diplomat include:
Researching and analyzing overseas events that may impact the nation.
Offering advice to government officials on how to act. Dealing with press
queries related to international relations. Collecting and reporting vital
information affecting the nation. Having confidence and patience, the
ability to listen, the openness of mind and heart to compromise and the drive
to complete the work demanded, are all everyday diplomacy skills, that are
elements of your power to thrive in work and life.

Protocol is defined as “the accepted or established code of procedure

or behavior in any group, organization, or situation”. Diplomacy is
complementary to protocol, and refers to the use of persuasion, economic or
other non-aggressive forms of influence, to achieve a desired outcome. In
international politics, protocol is the etiquette of diplomacy and affairs of
state. It may also refer to an international agreement that supplements or
amends a treaty. A protocol is a rule which describes how an activity should
be performed, especially in the field of diplomacy.

Protocol is an important part of diplomatic practice linked with history,

royalty, religion, culture and language. Diplomatic protocol involves etiquette
on a local and international scale, and the practice of good manners on a
daily basis.


Though protocol and etiquette are not uncommon terms a glance at
the definitions of both terms tends to present some form of confusion,
particularly when trying to identify the difference between the two. This is
because the two terms are interpreted to mean a set of rules and norms
governing the behavior of people. Given the ambiguity in this interpretation,
it is important to have a basic idea of the distinction between the two terms
before proceeding to examine their definitions in detail. Thus, think of
Etiquette as a set of norms and conventions governing social behavior, in
general. In contrast, Protocol refers to the code of conduct or behavior
prescribed for government and international officials.

Protocols facilitate the smooth interaction between such officials, the

ultimate aim to avoid unnecessary confrontation or disharmony. Examples of
such rules include the manner in which diplomatic ceremonies are
conducted, demonstrating respect to a head of state and such others. This
represents one interpretation of Protocol. The term Protocol also has a legal
connotation. Thus, legally, it refers to an international agreement that
amends or supplements a treaty or convention. Further, the term is also used
to denote the first draft of a treaty or other diplomatic document.

Both etiquette and good manners play significant role in how society
functions. The two concepts revolve around rules of behavior, with slight
differences in the skills needed to develop them. The standards of conduct
vary from one culture to other and mostly depend on culture heritage and
By definition, etiquette is a specific code of proper conduct governing
society. It is considered more superior than manners because it goes beyond
behavioral guidelines. However, a person who lacks manners cannot be
expected to have etiquette. In contrast, manners are defined as a
comprehensive set of behavioral guidelines that reflect someone’s level of
respect. Another difference between the two terms is the types of skills
required to nurture them. While etiquette imparted in a child after attaining a
specific age, manners are often cultivated from a younger age. Having said
that, let’s now dive further into the real differences between etiquette and
However, the two are different at their core and shouldn’t be confused
with each other. Etiquette is a code of conduct and a set of rules that acts as
a catalyst for positive human interactions. On the other hand, manners are
behaviors that reflects on a person’s attitude. The key difference between
etiquette and manners is that the former changes depending on a society’s
customs while the latter remains unchanged across communities.
Although people talk about etiquette and manners in the same
breath, as if they are synonyms, there is some difference between them. Of
course, both etiquette and manners are there in every society. These are
considered as vital for the functioning of a society. In different societies, there
is a variety of etiquette and manners. Even though both play a significant role
in controlling human behavior in accordance with social standards, etiquette
and manners are not the same.

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