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2. What is corporate culture ?

( văn hóa doanh nghiệp)

Corporate culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, attitudes, and practices
that define how employees within an organization interact with one another,
as well as with external stakeholders.

How does it affect communication?

Corporate culture can have a significant impact on communication within an
organization in the following ways:

1. Communication style: The communication style within a company is often

influenced by its corporate culture. For example, in a hierarchical culture,
communication may flow from top to bottom, whereas in a more
collaborative culture, communication may be more open and fluid among all
levels of the organization.

2. Transparency ( tính minh bạch): A culture that values transparency and

openness encourages clear and honest communication among employees,
fostering trust and creating a more positive work environment. On the other
hand, a culture that lacks transparency may lead to rumors,
misunderstandings, and a breakdown in communication.

3. Decision-making processes: Corporate culture can determine how

decisions are made within an organization. In a culture that values consensus-
building, communication plays a crucial role in gathering input from various
stakeholders before making decisions. In contrast, in a culture that is more
autocratic, communication may be limited to top-down directives.

4. Conflict resolution ( giải quyết xung đột): The way conflicts are addressed
and resolved can be influenced by corporate culture. A culture that
encourages open communication and constructive feedback may lead to more
effective conflict resolution, whereas a culture that avoids confrontation or
encourages competition may hinder communication and escalate conflicts.
4. Define cultural relativism, ethnocentrism, and stereotyping; explain
how each one affects communication.

1. Cultural Relativism: ( thuyết tương đối văn hóa)

1. **Language and Communication Styles**: Different cultures have unique

ways of expressing ideas, emotions, and opinions. Understanding and
adapting to these differences in language and communication styles is crucial
for effective cross-cultural communication.

3. **Hierarchy and Power Dynamics**: Cultural relativism acknowledges

that attitudes towards hierarchy and power dynamics can vary among
cultures. Being sensitive to these differences can help in navigating
communication with respect and understanding.
5. **Business Etiquette ( a đi kết )**: Cultural relativism plays a role in
business etiquette, including greetings, gift-giving, dress codes, and dining
customs. Adhering to these cultural norms shows respect and can help in
building relationships.
7. **Time Orientation**: Some cultures prioritize punctuality and efficiency,
while others may have a more relaxed approach to time. Being aware of these
differences in time orientation can prevent misunderstandings in scheduling
and deadlines.
By considering these aspects of cultural relativism in communication,
individuals and organizations can foster better relationships, collaboration,
and mutual understanding across diverse cultural contexts.
2. Ethnocentrism: ( chủ nghĩa dan tộc)
Ethnocentrism is the inherent belief that your cultural traditions and values
are correct and superior:

1. **Assumption of Superiority**: Ethnocentrism can lead to the belief that

one's own culture is superior to others. This attitude can result in
dismissiveness or disrespect towards other cultures, hindering effective
communication and mutual understanding.

2. **Misinterpretation of Behavior**: Ethnocentrism may cause individuals

to misinterpret behaviors, customs, or communication styles of other cultures
through the lens of their own cultural norms. This can lead to
misunderstandings, conflicts, and barriers to effective communication.

5. **Resistance to Change**: Ethnocentrism may lead to resistance towards

adapting communication styles or practices to accommodate cultural
differences. This resistance can impede effective communication and
collaboration in multicultural settings.

6. **Barriers to Collaboration**: Ethnocentrism can create barriers to

collaboration and teamwork in diverse environments. When individuals are
unwilling to consider perspectives and practices from other cultures, it can
hinder cooperation and innovation.
3. Stereotyping: ( định kiến )
Stereotyping involves forming generalized beliefs or
assumptions about individuals or groups based on oversimplified
characteristics or traits associated with their cultural, racial, ethnic, or social

Stereotypes can significantly impact communication in various ways:

1. **Biased perceptions**: Stereotypes may lead individuals to make

assumptions about a person based on their perceived group characteristics,
leading to biased perceptions that can affect the way they communicate with
that person.

3. **Lack of understanding**: Stereotypes can create barriers to effective

communication by hindering genuine understanding and empathy towards
others who are viewed through the lens of stereotypes.

6. **Misinterpretation**: Stereotypes can lead to misinterpretation of

messages, as individuals may project their assumptions onto the
communication instead of listening and responding based on the actual

7. **Limited perspectives**: Stereotypes can restrict open-mindedness and

creativity in communication, as individuals may be constrained by rigid
beliefs about others that prevent them from engaging in meaningful dialogue
and exchange of ideas.

By considering these aspects in communication, individuals and

organizations can foster better relationships, collaboration, and mutual
understanding across diverse cultural contexts.

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