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Name______________________________ Date: _____________________

Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is the topic/tittle in chapter 6?

a. Developing Undergraduate Students' Genetic Competencies through Research Activities
b. Instrumental competencies
c. Interpersonal competencies
d. Systematic competencies

2. It enhances the level of quality in the learning of undergraduate.

a. Data
b. Instrumental competencies
c. Research
d. Skills

3. It is described as a set of cognitive abilities, methodological capacities, technological skill, and logistics
a. Research
b. Systematic competencies
c. Information
d. Instrumental competencies

4. It described as a set of individual abilities and social skills.

a. Systematic competencies
b. Interpersonal competencies
c. Instrumental competencies
d. Research

5. It is a combination of skills, abilities or capacities concerning the whole system.

a. Systematic competencies
b. Interpersonal competencies
c. Instrumental competencies
d. Research

6. It promotes major benefits to both students and supervisors to high-quality learning outcomes.
a. Methods
b. Skills
c. Research
d. Data

7-9. Give the three Genetic Competencies.

10. Several projects and research studies run in order to what? give at least one.

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