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Web quest 2

1. At first, he signalled he would be a different kind of leader, he became extremely

rough and strict by creating some measures, for example, the restrictions to free
speech and isolating the economy.
2. The repression caused many protests lead to the army opening fire against the
demonstrators, because of that there was a rise of armed groups in Syria.
3. After World War I, France and England establish the borders of the middle eastern
countries, grouping many ethnicities together in Syria. Even though Allawites weren´t
the majority they took in charge of the country, keeping the country out of the hands
of extremists and forbidding the Assads their rights.
4. Because Russia and China have blocked any kind of international effort against Assad,
they have interest in Syria and their leaders believe the Arab Spring hasn’t brought
security or stability to the region. The USA hasn´t found who’s aligned, because he don
´t share the same ideology.
5. A new civil war is possible to happen, with the country in fragmentation. It can be
extended to other countries such as Turkey, Lebanon, Iraq, that is, countries with low
6. The psychological impact of the war is immense, support for refugees provides hope,
safety and a new start, there has been a tragic human cost.

Web quest 3
1. The women said that there was a kidnapping and a bomb near your daughter's school,
so there was no security. The other lady said that her house had been destroyed and
that she was literally living on the ground in the streets. There were many police
officers at the university where the girl was, and there was a lot of harassment. There
were also many attacks and bombs by armed militants.
2. So expensive, Irma a por em risco, como a irmã é menor podia chamar a família para a

1. Refugees are ordinary people who are no longer in their country, in the country they
live there is conflict that put them at risk or persecution because of their race, sexual
orientation, nationality, religion, social group or opinion. They have no other choice
but to flee and to leave the country to seek safety, leaving everything they have
2. They sacrifice their home, savings, career, their family and loved ones. Refugees suffer
a lot, because of the way transport from country to country is, with many deaths along
the way. The transport is often done by boat, with too many people for the capacity of
the boat, so there are often misfortunes.
3. Life as a refugee is hard, some are separated from their families, the language of the
country where they arrive can also be a problem for many, as the country has a
different culture. With the right support refugees can succeed in the host country.
4. The sisters were separated from their cousin when they arrived to Berlin, …..
5. 8.9 / Syria, Venezuela, Afghanistan/6.8/turkey/Syria, afganiston, eritrea.

WebQuest 4
1. Based on the video, there are many people who suffer hardships like, lack of own
housing, lack of hygienic conditions, lack of food and water and lack of transport
conditions, when they flee the countries.
2. I think that by land, because of the borders, it would be much more difficult, for
example, I would have to cross three countries while by boat its easier, it would be
much more dangerous, because of the lack of conditions and the agitation of the sea,
but I would not have so much difficulty in relation to the borders of countries because
it is not everyone who passes from one country to another.
3. In the film "Swimmers", the sisters and their cousin walk a lot on foot to reach
Germany, suffering many situations, with difficulties in maritime transport, in which
they had to swim to load the boat, due to the excessive number of people. they also
lived in situations like the ones shown in the video.

Before the war broke out, many Syrian women were educated, but few were a part of the

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