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Good morning, my name is Hugo and her name is Maria.

We’re going to talk about New Year’s

Day in di erent country’s.

On this day it is celebrated that the year ends and a new one begins. It is celebrated on 31st of

First we’re going to talk about Spain, on this day, people celebrate it by hanging out with their
friends, family for dinner and then, at 12 o’clock p.m they turn on the television and eat 12 grapes.
During the night they wear party hats and streamers. To end another of the traditions is on TV put
Chanel 5 and see the dress of cristina Pedroche

In New York a well-known around the world is the falling of the ball in Times Square in the heart of
New York. Is descent at 11:59 p.m. on December 31.

In Japan one of the traditions is to dine on long noodles called toshikoshisoba that represent the
hope of having a long life


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