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1 Nur Ismalizah
2105036004 4 Ardelia Thida Mufarrihah

2 Erna Sulistiani
2105036006 5 Anissa Widya Wati

3 Indah Permata Sari

2105036013 6 Desi Az Zahra Putri
The definition of a star is a celestial body
that emits its own light. While dynamics is
a review of the movement of objects by
connecting what causes these objects to
move. The material to be discussed is:
The sun as a star and physical
properties of the star
The distance and speed of the stars
The positions of the stars
The star magnitude system and their
Source: Pinterest
The Sun As a Star
The sun is not really a big star. In nature, there
are celestial bodies that are larger in size and are
grouped together, called stars. Collections of millions
of stars form a galaxy. The galaxy in which our solar
system is located is called the Milky Way galaxy.
Within this galaxy, there are approximately 100
million stars.
The sun, like other stars, is made of hot gas,
containing some of the materials found on earth.
These elements include hydrogen, helium, calcium,
sodium, magnesium, and iron.The sun's heat energy
that reaches the earth can be in the form of emission
of electromagnetic waves or sunlight, cosmic
radiation, emission of neutrons, and wind or auroras.
Physical Properties Of The Star
As we know, that the sun can
produce light that we usually call
"sunlight". From the sunlight there
are several physical properties,
namely: (1) (2)
1. Light can travel straight
2. Light can be reflected
3. Light can be refracted or bent
4. Light can be deciphered
(3) (4)
Distance Of The Star
In 1838, the German astronomer Friedrich Bessel used
the parallax technique to measure the distance to the star 61
Cygni. This is the first star whose distance can be measured
from Earth. The parallax technique is a measurement method
by looking at the shift of two fixed points relative to one
We know that the earth moves around the sun with orbital
period of 365.25 days. Due to the Earth's orbit, nearby stars
will be visible shifted its position relative to a distant star.
The star seems travels on an elliptical path relative to the
background of distant stars. This paralactic elliptical motion
is actually a reflection of the motion of the earth. The
distance to the stars close can be determined by
trigonometry parallax method:
do = Sun-Earth distance = 1,50 x 1013 cm = 1 AU
d* = Sun - Star Distance
p = Star Parallax
Moving Speed of the star
In 1718, Edmund Halley discovered the fact that true stars are not stationary, but
move reative to the other stars in a way comparing measurements of the position of
the star Arcturus in the constellation Bootes, Sirius in the constellation Canis Major
and Aldebaran in the constellation Taurus. Star seemed silent because of the great
distance. Stars will appear to change places if you look deeply very long period of
time. For example in the image side is the constellation Ursa Major. The true motion
of stars is divided into two based on the direction of motion, that is:
1. Radial speed: the speed of the star away from or approaching the observer
(parallel to the line of sight). The radial velocity of stars can be measured using
the Doppler Effect method.
2. Tangential speed: the speed of stars moving in the celestial sphere (on the planet
view). While the total speed is the true speed of the actual motion of the star (all
Position Of The Star
Stars are celestial bodies made up of glowing gases like the sun, mainly visible at night. The journey of
human history from a very primitive society to a very modern development has never been separated from its
dependence on natural resources. For example, in ancient times the concept of navigation was only used by
sailors in directing the ship to arrive at the destination, the famous navigation at that time was natural
navigation which was guided by celestial bodies, such as the sun, moon, stars, and planets, but also referred
to natural signs such as wind and sea waves. These are some pictures of constellations that are used as
1. Ursa Major, is a constellation that means "big bear". This constellation is used as a benchmark to indicate
the direction of the north by sailors at night.
2. Crux, which is one of the smaller constellations. In many parts of the world, this constellation is known as
the Southern Cross.
3. Scorpio, is also called the scorpion constellation because when the arrangement of stars is drawn, it will
form like a scorpion animal.
4. Orion, is a constellation that points west Orion is also the easiest constellation to recognize with the
naked eye.
Position Of The Star

(1) (2) (3) (4)

But, for the now, star sensors are accurate three-axis satellite determination sensors and
are widely used by many satellites for ADC (attitude determination control) systems. In
principle, the way star sensors work is to calculate the position of stars. If a set of starlight
captured by a camera sensor can be determined to be in an inertial reference, the orientation
of the satellite's attitude at that time can be determined.
Star Magnitude System
Before Telescope. Greek astronomers were thought to be the first to classify stars by their brightness.
Around 129 B. C. Hipparchus ranked the 1,080 stars in his catalog in a simple way; the brightest were
termed “first magnitude,” the next brightest were “second magnitude” through to the “sixth magnitude.”
It was a rough estimation of star brightness. Our knowledge of Hipparchus is via Ptolemy, who, in the 2nd
century A. D., utilized a similar stellar brightness scheme in his Almagest. Of the 1,028 stars in his catalog,
156 were given the descriptions of a little more or a little less than the integer values, but his precision
was off by ± 0.6 magnitudes. The Persian astronomer Abu’l-Husayn al-Sufi re-estimated the Almagest
magnitude values in the tenth century. Tycho Brahe added to the list of magnitudes, but with no precision
After Telescope. The introduction of the telescope allows astronomers to see fainter stars. Galileo (1564-
1642) estimated he could see magnitude +12 stars. However, it wasn’t until William Herschel (1738-1822)
that magnitude accuracy reached ± 0.2 magnitudes. He felt that brightness was solely based on stellar
distance, and (unsuccessfully) attempted to delineate the Milky Way based on the distribution of stars of
different magnitudes. To standardize magnitudes, Norman Pogson (1829-1891) proposed that a brightness
ratio of 100:1 be equivalent to five magnitudes. In other words, a difference of one magnitude implied a
brightness difference of 2.512. This Pogson ratio is now the accepted magnitude standard. Today, the
eyeball has been supplanted by CCD photometry for very accurate magnitude estimation.

Star Magnitude System

Apparent magnitude. When a telescope or sensor looks up at the sky, the brightness of the objects
it’s looking at is called apparent magnitude. If we’re only considering what the human eye can see,
then we’re measuring visual magnitude. For stars, imagine the far away bright burning object viewed
as a tiny pinprick in the sky. This means when we’re measuring the visual magnitude we’re actually
measuring the signal from a source object and because not every sensor responds the same, the
atmosphere is always in the way, we need to establish a baseline for our measurements.
Absolute Magnitude. We can measure the visual magnitude of other objects in the sky (such as
planets, galaxies, or even man-made satellites), but the measurement is more complex because the
brightness is a function of reflections involving material properties, shape, and relative distances
and orientations of objects that cannot be observed directly. Once we have our vmag measurements
we can use them to directly compare one measured brightness to another. We need to know the
visual magnitude of the object we’re measuring, that way we can check to see how well our detectors
are measuring a known signal. The most common star that is used for reference is Vega, but we can
also use another known bright source in our field of view, or multiple known (less bright) sources in
the field of view. The method can change, but we will use the same formula and calibration steps to
complete our analysis.
Star Magnitude System
In 1850, Pogson proposed to make the m, or the uniform ratio between successive
magnitudes. Thus, 62, where 5, is the brightness of a first magnitude star and 62 that of a
second. This formula put into words is the logarithm of the ratio of brightness equals four tenths
of the difference in magnitude. By means of this formula, if the magnitudes of two stars are
given, the ratio of brightness may be computed, and if the ratio of brightness and the magnitude
of one star is given, the magnitude of the other may be computed.
This definite system of star magnitudes was gradually adopted, and now all star magnitudes
are expressed in it. Some stars must be considered to be fundamental, that is, to have a definite
unchanging magnitude, and the magnitudes of the other stars must be determined in terms of
their magnitude. Polaris is usually taken as the fundamental star. By means of photometers all
other stars are compared with it, either directly or indirectly, and the ratio of brightness, and
thus the magnitude, is determined.
Differences in Star Magnitude
In astronomy, magnitude is a scale of a star's brightness. This magnitude system was
introduced by the Greek astronomer Hipparchus in his star catalog in 129 BC, and later
included by the astronomer Claudius Ptolemy around 140 BC in his catalog. There are two
known types of magnitude. First, the visual magnitude, namely the brightness scale of celestial
bodies when observed from Earth with the naked eye. Second, absolute magnitude, the
intrinsic brightness scale of the star itself.
According to this magnitude scale, the brightest stars in our night sky have a magnitude
of 1, while stars that are very dim to the eye have a magnitude of 6. That means, the higher
the magnitude number, the dimmer an object is. Stars with magnitude 2 are dimmer than
stars with magnitude 1, and stars with magnitude 5 are brighter than stars with magnitude 6.
The magnitude system designed by Hipparchus above is indeed very simple, but all that
changed when the fire nation attacked Galielo Galilei playing with his latest tool: a telescope.
Differences in Star Magnitude
Later, in the mid-19th century, astronomers began to realize that it was necessary to
define the entire scale of a star's magnitude system mathematically for greater precision than
mere observation. At that time, astronomers had determined that a 1st magnitude star should
shine about 100 times brighter than a 6th magnitude star, and a 6th magnitude star shine 100
times brighter than an 11th magnitude star. And so on.
This mathematical calculation is known as Pogson's ratio, a term taken from the name of the
British astronomer at the time, Norman Robert Pogson, who painstakingly made logarithmic
calculations for the magnitude scale of stars. Not only the large magnitude scale is developing,
but also the small magnitude scale. The development of mankind's sky observation technology has
enabled astronomers to find stars that are brighter than magnitude 1. Then there are
magnitudes 0, -1, -2, and so on. The smaller, the brighter. For example, the Sun's visual magnitude
is -26.
Differences in Star Magnitude
The absolute magnitude can be determined if the star's distance and visual magnitude are
known. This magnitude is the magnitude of a star that is at a distance of 10 parsecs from Earth.
As mentioned above, the absolute magnitude depends on the star's intrinsic properties, or actual
luminosity. As another example, the Sun, which has a visual magnitude of -26, apparently only has
an absolute magnitude of 4.7. This means that the sun is not very bright when compared to the
star Betelgeuse, which has an absolute magnitude of -6.
Today, astronomers don't calculate magnitudes manually anymore, but instead use an
instrument known as a photometer (a device that measures light). With a photometer, we can find
out how much light is emitted by a celestial object to calculate its magnitude, and even know its
distance as well.
1. The Sun As a Star and
Physical Properties

According to the National

Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA), the sun has a G2V star type,
Conclusion of
which is a yellow dwarf main sequence
star. The sun is the largest object in the material
our solar system. It also has the
designation of a true star because it
can emit its own light. In addition, the
constituent components of the sun are
the same as stars. Like light can travel
straight, light can be reflected, light
can be refracted or bent and light can
be deciphered.
2. The distance and
speed of the stars

For example, the closest star to

Earth is 4.3 light years away. Light
travels at a distance of almost 300
Conclusion of
kilometers per second. The movement
of stars is not stationary, but moves
the material
in space. The movement of this star is
very difficult to follow because it is
very far away, so we see the stars
seem to have remained in place ever
since before until now. However, the
motion of stars is actually divided
into two, namely radial motion and
tangential motion.
3. The positions of the

Some stars are permanently

located in the sky, so that they can
be used as directions or navigation,
Conclusion of
to decorate the sky, to determine
the latitude of a place and to
the material
determine the time and month. One
of the stars that is widely used to
determine direction is the north
star or Polaris and the constellation
Ursa Major, Crux, Scorpio and
4. Star Magnitude Systems
and Their Differences

The Star Magnitude System is a

system for measuring the brightness
of a star. It should be noted that
Conclusion of
the brighter a star, the smaller its
magnitude. Older stars have smaller
the material
magnitudes and they look brighter.
According to this magnitude scale,
the brightest stars in our night sky
have a magnitude of 1, while stars
that are very dim to the eye have a
magnitude of 6.
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