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Narrator TUĞRA: Long, long ago, in the wintertime, when the snowflakes were falling from

the Sky, there was a beautiful queen who possessed a magic mirror. Everyday she looked into
it and asked:
Queen ZEYNEP NAZ: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful in the world?
Mirror ADA: Well, oh queen, you know it’s true, no one is prettier than you!
Narrator TUĞRA: Bur her stepdaughter, little Snow White, grew more and more beautiful
and one day the bad queen asked her question:
Queen ZEYNEP NAZ Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful in the world?
Mirror ADA TUSEM: Well, oh queen, you know it’s true, but Snow White is prettier than
Queen ZEYNEP NAZ Snow White? Who is she? She can’t be prettier than me!!!
Mirror: She is your stepdaughter!
Queen ZEYNEP NAZ Hunter, hunter, come quickly!
Hunter UMUT: Yes, oh queen, what do you need from me?
Queen ZEYNEP NAZ: Take Snow White into the wood and do what you should.
Hunter SALİH: Your wish is my command, oh queen!
Queen ZEYNEP NAZ(after the dance): No more Snow White in my life, 1 and 2 and 3,4,5!!!
Hunter UMUT: Hello, dear wolves! Tell me quickly what to do.
Wolves ÖMER: Don’t hurt Snow White!
Hunter UMUT: I don’t want to kill her too.
Wolves ÖMER: Yes, stay with us for day and night.
Hunter UMUT:Thank you for your help.
Hunter UMUT: Little Snow White, I let you go. You will find a house.
Snow White ZEYNEP CEMRE Thank you. You saved my life. These are flowers for you.
Hunter UMUT: Good luck, Snow White!
Narrator TUĞRA: Snow White finds a small house. She is very tired. Snow White knocks at
the door>
Snow White ZEYNEP CEMRE Hello! Is anybody home? Oh, what a lovely house! Everything’s
little everything’s small. Seven tables, seven chairs and seven little beds.
I am very, very tired, I will sleep here for a while.
Narrator TUĞRA: Snow White falls asleep. Seven dwarfs come back from the mine
Dwarfs: Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it’s home from work we go
heigh-ho, heigh-ho, heigh-ho, heigh-ho, heigh-ho, heigh-ho!
Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it’s home from work we go
heigh-ho, heigh-ho, heigh-ho, heigh-ho, heigh-ho, heigh-ho!
Dwarf 1 UMUTCAN Who is this girl?
Dwarf 2 MUHAMMED G. I don’t know her!
Dwarf 3 DORUK She is so beautiful!
Dwarf 4 MUHAMMED YAKUP: Her skin looks like snow!
Snow White ZEYNEP CEMRE: I’m sorry that I entered your house but I’m scared .
Narrator TUĞRA: Snow White told them her story. Seven dwarfs sat around her and
listened to her.
Dwarf 5 İPEK: Can you cook?
Dwarf 6 GÜZİDE: Can you bake bread?
Dwarf 7 DENİZ: Can you wash dishes?
Dwarf UMUTCAN: Can you make beds?
Snow White ZEYNEP CEMRE : If I can stay, I will look after you.
Dwarfs: Hurray! Hurray! Snow White will stay!
Queen ZEYNEPNAZ Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful in the world?
Mirror ADA: Snow White is prettier than you. She is very good.
Queen ZEYNEP NAZ: Snow White? She isn’t good! I will find her in the wood!
Dwarf 2MUHAMMED G.: Ok, Snow White! We are going to the mine!
Dwarf 5 İPEK: Stay at home and wait for us!
Dwarf 7 DENİZ: Remember, don’t talk to anyone!
Snow White ZEYNEP CEMRE: Don’t worry! Have a nice day!
Narrator TUĞRA:The Queen is angry. She makes a poison apple. The Queen dresses like an
apple seller and she goes to Snow White.
Queen ZEYNEP NAZ: Juicy red apples for sale! Very delicious, tasty and yummy!
Snow White ZEYNEP CEMRE Oh, hello! I like apples very much, so please, give me the
biggest one!
Queen ZEYNEP NAZ: Here you are! The biggest one for a beautiful girl!
Snow White ZEYNEP CEMRE: Thank you!
Narrator TUĞRA: Snow White eats apple and falls asleep>
Queen ZEYNEP NAZ: Hahaha! Silly girl! Now I will be sure that she is dead!
Narrator TUĞRA: Seven dwarfs come back from the mine>
Dwarf 1 UMUTCAN: Oh no! Look!
Dwarf 4 Muhammed Y. : Oh my Snow White! Oh my poor girl!
Dwarf 6 GÜZİDE: I’m sure the queen did it!
Dwarf 5 İPEK: Snow White! Wake up! Wake up!
Dwarfs 3 & 4 DORUK – MUHAMMED YAKUP: Look there! Who is he?
Dwarfs 5 & 7 İPEK - DENİZ: Oh my dear! It’s a prince!
Dwarf 6 GÜZİDE: What is he doing here?
Prince MERT Hello, my friends! I’ve come here to save the princess! It’s a big moment in my
People ECE: Oh my prince! You are late! It’s too late for your date! We are so sad! She was
so cute!
Narrator TUĞRA: Prince kisses her hand and she wakes up.
Snow White ZEYNEP CEMRE: Where am I?
Prince MERT: You are with me!
People ECE: And with us!
Prince MERT: Will you marry me?
Narrator TUĞRA:They married and they were happy ever after!

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