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STEP Standard 5 - Implementation of Instructional Unit

You will implement all lesson activities, correlating formative assessments and the summative
post-assessment. Choose one of the lesson activities to video record a 5-10 minute segment,
review, and reflect on your teaching. Have your cooperating teacher/mentor review the recording
and provide feedback, if possible.

Use an online video platform such as Loom, YouTube, or Vimeo to upload your completed video.
Be sure that others can access and view your linked video prior to submitting.

Video Recording Link:

Summary of Unit Implementation:

This unit was a two-part teaching. The first was on classification of plants and the second on the
classification of animals.

Summary of Student Learning: Students were to learn how to classify plants as flowering or non-
flowering. There were two labs to help them see what seeds do and what they thought would
happen once the seed sprouts.

Reflection of Video Recording:

I had no problem recording myself. I was worried because I got the slides 5 minutes before
time to teach it. I was supposed to teach this unit and I got blamed for not looking at them before
time. I did not feel like I got my point across very well because I was so frustrated. I did a great job
hiding how I felt. The kids never knew. I was worried they would never get it because they got
hung up on conifer. They could not tell me if it was flowering or non- flowering. I tried my best but
felt like I had failed. I have never been so disappointed in my life. How do you expect someone to
teach if they are not prepared. It wasn’t my responsibility to prepare the slides and I offered to
make them for this unit, but he said he would do it.
When I did the post- assessment, I was shocked! They understood what I bumbled through.
God what a lack of responsibility. I am not the teacher here yet, but I can’t be like this! If the wait
is this bad for them that they can’t be prepared for class and communicate and let others you are
training know what your intentions are, I am not sure that I want to teach here. Let me put it like
this I know I don’t want to teach here! The state is killing what’s left of our teachers.
I have watched this video twice and I feel at times I stumbled through some of the material.
Had I not had an old textbook from last year I could not have taught this lesson. For the most part
it was fun, and I enjoyed it. Past my frustration I love this class and all it holds. Even when they
take things to the next level and handle it themselves. I have enjoyed teaching but having this short
of notice for anything is extremely hard for anyone and shows a lack of character. It has been hard
to float with it. His students deserve better! I deserved more from him. However, I am learning to
keep my mouth shut and do the best I can and run with it, learn what I can, and Graduate!
I look forward to making my own lesson plans and learning to pace myself one step at a time. As
for the video, I wish it had been better. There were a few other videos that were better than this
one. I plan to include them in my e-port.

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