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Roll Number MC220203866

DESCON Engineering, despite being a highly productive multinational firm, is facing employee turnover
due to employee demotivation and dissatisfaction. The reason behind it is that Higher Management at
DESCON has opted Job Simplification Approach used in Job Designing which is breaking main
objective in specialized sub-task and assigning each sub-task to a Job. These sub-tasks are often
repetitive nature and results in boredom and demotivation of employee which may increase turnover
In order to reduce turnover management at DESCON needs to change its Job Design approach and opt
one of following Job Design Approach
Job Design
S/N Explanation/Reasoning
Job Rotation is movement of employees from one job to another job that require
similar skills but with different task. It might also involve rotation from one location
to another. It have following advantages
- Reduced Boredom due to change of Job or location, diversifiying activities
and assignment of new tasks.
- It also enables cross-training of employees and acquiring of related new
- It lead to Employee Development in terms of capabilities and skills. It also
help employee become familiar with different aspects (Departments, division,
1 Job Rotation
sections, units) of organization.
- An additional advantage is that Job rotation lead to maximum flexibility in
scheduling work and filling vacancies as employees have wider range of
experience and skills.
However it also has drawback which include additional cross-training costs, delay in
completion of task due to unfamiliarity with new tasks and it have element of
demotivation for those employee who wants to excel in a special field.
DESCON Engineering have plenty of Jobs that require same qualification and skills
such as Civil Engineering and may rotate employees on these jobs.
2 Job Job Enlargement of addition of various number of similar tasks to a Job to make it
Enlargemen more challenging. Addition of new task bring variety and raise interest in a particular
t Job. An alternative approach given by George Strauss and L.R. Sayles is to assign
group of workers a group of Jobs and allowing them to decide about organization of
work among themselves which leads to more social contact and greater control over
the work process. The Advantage of Job Enlargement are
- Job Enlargement broadens Job Scope which is area of interest of particular
- Job Enlargement involve Task Variety which reduce boredom by replacing
highly fragmented monotonous tasks.
- Job Enlargement increases Meaningfulness of Work. Employees are
motivated and satisfied when they do a large part work to meet final
goal/objective. They are more satisfied when they realize their contribution to
entire project.
- Job Satisfaction is increased with Ability Utilization through Job
Enlargement. Wider variety of work lead to better utilization of Physical and
Mental Capabilities and Skills.
- Job Enlargement results in increased worker efficiency (More Output in Less
Time), Organizational Productivity through reduced Cost of labor.
Few Drawbacks that must be looked while adopting this approach are cost of
additional training for enlarged tasks, work overload and demand for increased
workload, fatigue due to more work, frustration for not completing all tasks in given
Roll Number MC220203866

time, increased error and other problems.

Job Enrichment is process of upgrading Job-Task mix i.e. to add or increase more
motivator to a Job to make it more interesting. A job is enriched when it is more
creative and exciting with opportunities of growth, advancement, achievements and
recognition. It gives employee more decision-making power, controlling power,
autonomy and feedback. Its advantages are
- It increases Job depth which is the amount of control over planning and
execution of work
- Job Enrichment enable Scheduling Own Work which increase employee
motivation as they have control over which task to perform at what pace.
- Job Enrichment is often grant more authority and ability to control resources
that adds to Job Motivation
- Job Enrichment leads to Intellectual Growth and opportunities for
advancement due to newly acquired skills. Both intellectual Growth and
Opportunity of Advancement is source of Job Motivation.
3 - Job Enrichment involve Personal Accountability which in turn lead to
Recognition and Personal achievement on good work that leads to increased
Job Satisfaction
- Job Enrichment increases Responsibility and enhance Autonomy both of
which are sources for Job Satisfaction as employee tends to execute their
work autonomously.
- Direct Feedback in Job Enrichment enable employee to self-evaluate the
result of his work. This immediate knowledge of results increases Job
Satisfaction and involvement in work
- Additional Benefits include direct communication authority, Unique
Experience, Client Relationships etc.
Some aspects that must be looked after while opting Job Enrichment are
technological feasibility of enriching all the jobs, Cost associated with Job
Enrichment, and capability of individuals


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