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Consultancy Proposal

To : Seefar
For : Consultancy to end evaluation for TKI Bijak Programme

Date : 22 October 2018

I. Profile of Team
Our team consists of a combination of three consultants from Social Work background and has
3 different experiences with extensive experience in the issue of migrant workers and
trafficking in international institutions that have a reputation in the world, quantitative and
qualitative research experience in various ministries and research institutions at the national
level, as well as extensive project management experiences. Our team have extensive
experience in the issue of migrant workers and trafficking in reputable international
institutions in the world, qualitative and quantitative research experience, especially project
evaluation at the national level, and experience on extensive project management especially
migrant worker and trafficking.

A n n a Sa kreti N a wa n g sa ri. She acting l ead Consultant for this project. S h e

has 18 years of operational and strategic experience working as a Senior Social
Worker in Indonesia across issues of violence, trafficking and exploitation,
including child labour in Indonesia. She has undertaken extensive direct
casework including direct counselling, support through referral mechanisms,
and advocacy with government, non-government, and international
organisations. Due to her expertise, Anna provides technical consultation to
the Indonesian government and also undertakes social research; using both
quantitative and qualitative methods, in a wide scope of social protection and
development issues. She took up the role of Lead Consultant in e n d
e v a l u a t i o n o f T K I B i j a k P r o g r a m m e , in which she undertook direct research
and coordinated a broad consultation process with government, civil society,
INGO and UN agencies with mandates related to migrant worker.

Endang Srihadi. He acting as researcher for this project. He has working for various social
and economic research projects more than seventeen years. In social field, He is expert in social
development policies related to child protection and gender issue. And For economic research,
his experience related to the strengthening of domestic trade policy and analysis in terms of
trade policy studies especially on: supply chain management of agricultural food, consumer
preference and management of Pasar Rakyat.
Most of the assignments that he has been through around research projects became as
Consultant/Expert and Team Leader. His responsibility for the projects are: to develop
proposal, budgeting, established and consolidating the member of the team research, collecting
data, quality assurance, analyzing data and writing report, making policy brief, writting policy
paper and presenting the final report of the research project. Endang also have extensive
collaboration and networking with government agencies, civil society organizations (NGOs),
political parties, public opinions leader, university and foreign donors.

Ryan. He acting as researcher for this project. He has experience in program research and
development since 2006. Experienced in handling clients from government and non-
governmental organizations (CBO and FBO). In this evaluation activity, will be responsible for
the development of data collection instruments, as well as conducting quantitative data
analysis in particular.

II.Project Background

TKI Bijak is a program initiated by Seefar Indonesia, and starts at the end of 2017. It has
community outreach program aims to improve the recruitment of prospective Indonesian
Migrant Workers, especially prospective female workers in the household sector (domestic
worker). By providing necessary information and knowledge to prospective female
migrant workers accurately and directly and through media campaigns, the program
activities include: 1) Direct consultation conducted by local facilitators, 2) Radio talk shows
in all three cities, 3) Financial management training for prospective female migrant

Based on the results of the baseline survey conducted by Seefar Indonesia in 2017, data from
BNP2TKI shows that during January-September 2017, Cirebon, Cilacap and Subang were
ranked fourth, fifth and sixth largest migrant worker sending cities / districts in Indonesia.
Recognizing that many other organizations working in the same field also work in the largest
migrant worker sending bags in Indonesia, Seefar Indonesia decided to operate in areas that
were large enough but not the largest.

III. Approach
We aim to take mixed methods to undertaking e n d e v a l u a t i o n to ensure that
relevant data is gathered from a number of sources and m e t h o d s . Given our
team experiences on work in quantitative and qualitative methods, as well as in
m i gr an t w or ke r an d tr af f i kci n g i s s ue i n Indonesia, we have a good network
of stakeholders and focal points i n C i r e b o n , C i l a c a p , a n d S u b a n g to
connect with for the purposes of this project. The following steps are
proposed in responding to the Terms of Reference as detailed by Seefar:

Initial Briefing and Review of Operations: In the first instance, Consultant team
will engage with TKI Bijak of Seefar’s relevant focal points to receive a full
briefing of TKI Bijak programme including direct and indirect sourcing chains, its
operations in the fields, and local network. Relevant documents may be shared and
requested at this point. The main purpose of this phase is for the Consultant
team to receive a good understanding of TKI Bijak’s operations, programmes
and partners, geographical regions and so forth. Team will also aim to
understand TKI Bijak’s goals, perspectives and expectations. Any documents
may be shared and further briefings requested. It is envisaged that this stage
will be undertaken through meetings and online communications.

Literature Review : In addition to ensuring a good understanding of TKI

Bijak’s own operations and processes, Consultant team will aim to gather
information about the context of pr oble m an d ge ogr aph ycal pr oject . All
r e l e v a n T K I B i j a k ’ s p r o j e c t documents, r e p o r t , a n d d a t a will be
reviewed. The purpose of this step is to ensure that Consultant team
understand the relevant context of T K I B i j a k ’ s p r o g r a m m e .

Research Plan, Methodology and Tools : A research plan, outlining the

methodology and data gathering tools to be used for end-of-project evaluation,
including measurement the achivement of reduce supply of labor to recruiters who use
exploitative practices, and to increase the demand for ethical recruiters in Indonesia
especially focused on the achievement of objectives project including (1) empower first
time female migrant domestic workers from Indonesia to seek better employment
opportunities before they migrate. (2) to increase demand for ethical recruiters for the
migrant domestic industry, and decrease demand for unethical recruiters.

To measure the effectivenes of strategic communication took by TKI Bijak, the survey
will be conducted to 300 target programme through questionnaire’s deployment at
three target distrcits Cilacap, Cirebon, and Subang. Combined with the survey above,
to get in-depth data on the effectiveness of materials and communication strategies, as
well as the methods that are carried out, in-depth interviews will be conducted with
recruitment agencies, community leaders, migrant workers, radio stations, and local
NGOs who handling the issue of migrant workers.

Desk-based Research:
In the literature review stage, the consultant will study the approaches, strategies, and tools
used in the program. Then documents will be comprehended regarding the improvement of
program implementation. From this stage it will be known to what extent the TKI Bijak
program has been implemented, and what modifications have been made.

Field Research:
Two kind of data collection techniques from two research approaches will be applied in the
implementation of this evaluation activity, in-depth interviews and surveys.

In-depth interviews will be applied to determine the factors that affect program achievement,
program effects on beneficiaries, and program implementation processes from the beneficiary
side. In-depth interviews will be conducted on pre departure workers, workers who have
returned home, labor suppliers (PJTKI/BP3TKI), local radio, NGO activist on labour migration
issue , and the local government from Manpower Office. Informant development and issues
will be carried out during implementation in the field.

The survey will be conducted to find out the needs of the beneficiaries, both as laborers and
labor suppliers. In addition, they will also find out their perceptions and assessments of the "
TKI Bijak program. This survey will be conducted on new and experienced workers. The
development of subject categorization will be carried out in line with the findings of the sample
category in the field.

Sampling techniques in in-depth interviews will follow the principle of theoretical sampling.
Which the determination of the sample is based on the competency of the informant in
answering the questions to be asked. Authority will also be taken into consideration, though
not the main thing. In the survey technique, sampling will be carried out using the principle
of stratified quota sampling. Where the three regions will be the basis of division. Each regional
team is obliged to determine the population framework to take survey samples.

Data Analysis:
All data that has been collected will be analyzed through several stages. The findings in each
region will be compared to find similarities and uniqueness among them. From here, the
consultant will find the forms of program effectiveness and the contributing factors. Then the
consultant can deduce important indicators of the program as a whole. The field story will also
provide the perspective of beneficiaries, whether this program brings benefits or not for them.
If so, what kind of benefits do they feel, and vice versa. Quantitative data can provide a big
picture of the condition of the workforce as a beneficiary of the program. Comparison between
groups can be done to sort the variables that are predicted to be the determining variables for
the program in the future.

Report: A research report, will be drafted outlining below:
1. Inception report breaking down the key questions and specific objectives into a
more detailed framework and work plan. The inception report will be based on an
initial desk review of documents and should provide Seefar with the opportunity to
verify a shared understanding of evaluation objectives and deliverables. The
inception report will be discussed and agreed upon with Seefar.
2. Comprehensive draft report to inform Seefar of key findings, lessons and
3. Final report, including a brief summary of the evaluation. The report should
roughly include the following sections: a) Executive summary; b) Introduction; c)
Description of the evaluation methodology; d) Analysis of key findings; e) Lessons,
recommendations and opportunities to provide guidance for future programming;
f) Conclusions and recommendations; g) Appendices: people interviewed,
documents reviewed, relevant supplemental information.
4. Data (transcripts, quantitative data and data collection tools)

IV . Proposed Time Frame

Consultant team proposes the following timeframe to undertake the project:
S te p T im e f r a m e

1. Briefing and Review of Operations 2nd week of November 18

2. Desk-based literature review 2 rd week of November 18

3. Research Plan, Methodology and Tools 3rd week of November 18

4. Desk-based and Field Research 3 rd week of November

5. Data Analysis 1st and 2nd week of December

6. Draft Report 1st and 2nd week of December

7. Final Report (incl. executive summary and 1st and 2nd week of December
(Including one round of feedback)
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