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The objective is to develop a Gender Classification System using Convolution Neural Networks
in Python. Images are given as the input from the Kaggle dataset, which are then processed through
four layers. The network is trained using back-propagation neural network with about 20 epochs.
The methodology used reduces design complexity for pattern recognition by combining CNNs and
Subsampling nets. The training data used to train these models matters greatly. The models that
are trained using more diverse sets of images had better accuracy in a similarly diverse group of
photos than models that were trained on more limited data. Automated gender classification has
important applications in many domains, such as demographic research, law enforcement, online
advertising, as well as human-computer interaction.

Gender classification focuses on the efforts of understanding human visual processing and
identifying key features used to categorize between male and female individuals. In a real-world
environment, the challenge is how to deal with the facial image being affected by the variance in
factors such as illumination, pose, facial expression, occlusion, background information, noise,
race, facial hair, identify faces from different ethnic groups with high accuracy. This is also one of
the controversial implementations of the ML algorithm as it has received heavy criticisms from
both critics and public. So, extra care must be taken while handling this problem.

The dataset used for the development of the model is Kaggle’s “gender classification dataset,”
which contains 23.2k female image inputs and 23.8k male image inputs. Thereby a total of 47k
images are given as inputs to train the model. The dataset contains grayscale images of male and
female faces with various poses and various other features. So, training with this dataset will help
the network to identify the gender with high accuracy irrespective of the features in the image.
Literature Review:

Analysis of paper I:
The network comprises of only three convolutional layers and two fully connected layers with a
small number of neurons. All three-color channels are processed directly by the network. Images
are first rescaled to 256 × 256 and a crop of 227 × 227 is fed to the network. The three subsequent
convolutional layers are then defined as follows. 1. 96 filters of size 3×7×7 pixels are applied to
the input in the first convolutional layer, followed by a rectified linear operator (ReLU), a max
pooling layer taking the maximal value of 3 × 3 regions with two-pixel strides and a local response
normalization layer. 2. The 96 × 28 × 28 output of the previous layer is then processed by the
second convolutional layer, containing 256 filters of size 96 × 5 × 5 pixels. Again, this is followed
by ReLU, a max pooling layer and a local response normalization layer with the same hyper
parameters as before. 3. Finally, the third and last convolutional layer operates on the 256 × 14 ×
14 blob by applying a set of 384 filters of size 256 × 3 × 3 pixels, followed by ReLU and a max
pooling layer. The prediction itself is made by taking the class with the maximal probability for
the given test image. Target values for training are represented as sparse, binary vectors
corresponding to the ground truth classes. For each training image, the target, label vector is in the
length of the number of classes, containing 1 in the index of the ground truth and 0 elsewhere.
First, we apply dropout learning. The network includes two dropout layers with a dropout ratio of
0.5. Second, we use data augmentation by taking a random crop of 227 × 227 pixels from the 256
× 256 input image and randomly mirror it in each forward-backward training pass. This, similarly,
to the multiple crop and mirror variations used by. Training itself is performed using stochastic
gradient decent with image batch size of fifty images. The images are split into 6 folds, and 66
subfolds and then perform a subject-exclusive cross-validation protocol. All the sub-folds coming
from the 6th original fold were separated as test data, never to be trained on or validated against.
Then the remaining 5 folds, and their sub-folds, were used for training, and cross-validation. Two
types of sampling are proposed for an input image when being classified. One is to simply take a
center crop of 227x227 out of the 256x256 image and classify that. The other is to take 5 such
crops, one from each of the corners and one from the center, classify them all, and take the majority
classification from between them. The first technique reduces testing time whereas the latter
technique can improve accuracy.
Analysis of paper II:
An RGB image being input to the network is first scaled to 3x256x256 and then cropped to
3x227x227. There are 3 convolution layers, followed by 3 fully connected layers. The convolution
layers are 1. Conv1- 96 filters of size 3x7x7 are convolved with stride 4 and padding 0, resulting
in an output volume size of 96x56x56. This is followed by a ReLU, max pooling pooling which
reduces the size to 96x28x28, and a local-response normalization (LRN). 2. Conv2- 256 filters of
size 96x5x5 are convolved with stride 1 and padding 2, resulting in an output volume size of
256x28x28. ReLU, max-pool, and LRN, reducing the output size to 256x14x14. 3. Conv3- 256
filters of size 256x3x3 are convolved with stride 1 and padding 1, followed by a ReLU and max
pool, resulting in an output volume of 256x7x7. The fully connected layers are 1. FC6- 512 neurons
fully connected to the 256x7x7 output of Conv3, followed by a ReLU layer and dropout layer. 2.
FC7- 512 neurons fully connected to the 1x512 output of FC6 followed by a ReLU layer and
dropout layer. 3. FC8- 2 or 8 neurons fully connected to the 1x512 output of FC7, yielding the
abnormalized class scores for gender, respectively. And finally, there is a softmax layer that sits
on top of FC8, which gives the loss and final class probabilities.

Analysis of paper III:

The method proposed can efficiently learn facial features from low-resolution images under
unconstrained conditions such as facial expression, pose, illumination, age, and ethic. Features
learned from the two convolutional PCANet neural networks are fused to improve results. The
proposed method composed of two phases: 1) training phase and 2) testing phase. First, two
PCANet models are trained on different filter sizes to capture different spatial levels of facial
features. After extracting features from each PCANet, the whitening PCA algorithm is applied to
reduce the dimensionality and make feature fusion more reliable. Linear support vector machine
classifier is finally employed to classify the fused feature vector. The proposed method utilizes
two PCANets with different filter sizes to extract features from the input images. In this phase, we
select sample images from the given database to train the system; second, features are extracted
from those images using each of the PCANet, then concatenate the output feature vectors and train
the SVM classifier with the concatenated feature vector. Features extracted from each PCANet are
highly correlated due to block overlapping. Therefore, Whitening PCA (WPCA) algorithm is used
to make the feature vector less redundant. The testing process is in five steps: 1) We select an input
test image from the database. 2) Extract facial features using both PCANet models to represent the
input image. 3) Use the previously obtained whitened data matrix to eliminate the correlation
between the features and reduce the dimension of the test feature vector in each PCANet. 4)
Concatenate the two output test feature vectors. 5) Feed the concatenated test feature vector and
the SVM classifier model to the test stage.
Analysis of paper IV:
The first architecture Sequential-fully CNN is a standard fully convolutional neural network
composed of 9 convolution layers, ReLUs [5], Batch Normalization [7] and Global Average
Pooling. This model contains approximately 600,000 parameters. It was trained on the IMDB
gender dataset, which contains 460,723 RGB images where each image belongs to the class
“woman” or “man”, and it achieved an accuracy of 96% in this dataset. We also validated this
model in the FER-2013 dataset. This dataset contains 35,887 grayscale images where each image
belongs to one of the ^ emotion classes. The model achieved an accuracy of 66% in this dataset.
fully convolutional neural network that contains 4 residual depth-wise separable convolutions
where each convolution is followed by a batch normalization operation and a ReLU activation
function. The last layer applies a global average pooling and a soft-max activation function to
produce a prediction. This architecture has approximately 60, 000 parameters, which corresponds
to a reduction of 10× when compared to our initial naive implementation, and 80× when compared
to the original CNN. This architecture obtains an accuracy of 95% in gender classification task.

Analysis of paper V:
the multiple CNN architectures that involve three sub-CNN and each network have a different
level of convolutional layers and has the same depth in the fully connected block. The fully
connected block contains four dense layers, two dropouts, and one batch normalization layer.
When we use this model to age classification task, the last layer"softmax" in each three subCNN
it has five output . while When you use this model to gender classification task, the last layer it has
two output. The purpose of creating multiple subnets is that each network learns different
characteristics from the other, and therefore the responses of the systems are different.There are
many types of ensemble methods that use to combining predictions of multiple machine learning
models. The primary purpose of using an ensemble is to boost predictive accuracy or reducing bias
and variance. In this work, we will use the simplest method to combine predictions called ' Voting
system',. In this method, the three subnets (sub-CNN1, sub-CNN2, sub-CNN3) are trained on the
same dataset. They then use the Majority voting system method to combine predictions this subnet
in one model is called "Multiple CNN " that predict the final label
Title, Year, Methodology Used Advantages Issues Metrics
Author Used
Gender The network comprises of only 1) Can be 1) The 84.6%
Classification three convolutional layers and used even designed to
using two fully connected layers with a when the network is 87.6%
Convolutional small number of neurons. All amount of shallow
Neural three-color channels are learning data compared to
Networks, 2015, processed directly by the is limited. the regular
Gil Levi and Talnetwork. Images are first networks
Hassner, rescaled to 256 × 256 and a crop 2) By
of 227 × 227 is fed to the learning
network. Then three subsequent representation
convolutional layers and three s using deep-
fully connected layers. The convolutional
prediction itself is made by neural
taking the class with the maximal networks a
probability for the given test significant
image. The network includes two increase in
dropout layers with a dropout performance
ratio of 0.5. Second, we use data is observed.
augmentation by taking a random
crop of 227 × 227 pixels from
the 256 × 256 input image and
randomly mirror it in each
forward-backward training pass.
Convolutional An RGB image being input to Two types of 1) 89% to
Neural Networks the network is first scaled to sampling are Parameters 92%
for Gender 3x256x256 and then cropped to proposed for are not fine-
Classification, 3x227x227. There are 3 an input tuned
2017, Ari convolution layers, followed by image when
Ekmekji 3 fully connected layers. There is being 2)
a softmax layer that sits on top of classified. Architecture
FC8, which gives the loss and could be
final class probabilities. The 1) Simply modified
images are split into 6 folds, and take a center further
66 subfolds and then perform a crop of
subject-exclusive cross- 227x227 out
validation protocol. All the sub- of the
folds coming from the 6th 256x256
original fold were separated as image and
test data, never to be trained on classify that.
or validated against. Then the This method
remaining 5 folds, and their sub-
folds, were used for training, and reduces
cross-validation. testing time

2)Take 5 such
crops, one
from each of
the corners
and one from
the center,
classify them
all, and take
the majority
from between
them. This

Fusion of The method proposed can 1) Make 1) 89.65%

Multiple Simple efficiently learn facial features features less classificatio
Convolutional from low-resolution images correlated n accuracy
Neural Networks under unconstrained conditions with each can be
for Gender such as facial expression, pose, other further
Classification, illumination, age, and ethic. improved by
2020, Nihad A. Features learned from the two 2) Give all applying
Abdalrady, convolutional PCANet neural features the single and
Saleh Aly networks are fused to improve same cross-
results. The proposed method variance. validation
composed of two phases: 1) approach
training phase and 2) testing 3) Using using
phase. First, two PCANet models WPCA helps Dago’s
are trained on different filter also to reduce protocol.
sizes to capture different spatial the feature
levels of facial features. After vector 2)Not
extracting features from each dimension highly
PCANet, the whitening PCA reliable in
algorithm is applied to reduce the unconstraint
dimensionality and make feature ed situations
fusion more reliable. Linear
support vector machine classifier
is finally employed to classify
the fused feature vector.
Real-time a fully-convolutional neural 1)reduced 1) trained 96% in
Convolutional network that contains 4 residual number of CNNs for gender
Neural Networks depth-wise separable parameters. gender classific
Gender convolutions where each 2) can be classificatio ation
Classification, convolution is followed by a stacked for n are biased and
2017, Octavio batch normalization operation multi-class towards 66% in
Arriaga, Paul G. and a ReLU activation function. classifications western emotion
Ploger, Matias The last layer applies a global while facial classific
Valdenegro average pooling and a soft-max maintaining features and ation.
activation function to produce a real-time facial
prediction. This architecture has inferences accessories
approximately 60, 000 2)
parameters; which corresponds Use of
to a reduction of 10× when glasses may
compared to our initial naive reduce the
implementation, and 80× when accuracy
compared to the original CNN. rate
Gender Combing three sub CNNs, each 1) increased 1) increased 86.2%
Classification individually performing and classification evaluation
using Multiple their outputs are passed onto a accuracy. time when
Convolutional voting system, which will decide 2)usage of using
Neural Network, and thus increase the overall voting ensembling.
2020, Khaled accuracy. The purpose of ensemble for
Rahman creating multiple subnets is that high accuracy
Hassan1, Israa each network learns different
Hadi Ali characteristics from the other,
and therefore the responses of
the systems are different
System design:
The network consists of four processing layers: three convolutional layers (denoted by C1, C2,
and C3) and one output layer (denoted by F4). The input layer is a 2D face image of size 32 × 32
pixels. Layers C1, C2, and C3 are convolutional layers of four 14 × 14, sixteen 5 × 5, and sixty-
four 1 × 1 feature maps, respectively. Layer F4 consists of a single perceptron, also referred to as
a 1 @ 1 × 1 map.
To connect the feature maps of layer C1 to the subsequent layer C2, we apply the partial
connection scheme . This connection, not being a full connection, essentially forces each filter to
learn different features from the same feature map [4]. On the other hand, layers C2 and C3 are
fully connected: each neuron in C3 (which is a 1 × 1 map) is connected to a 5 × 5 region in all 16
feature maps in C2.

Input 1@32×32
C1 4@14×14
C2 16@5×5
C3 64@1×1
F4 (Output) 1@1×1
Feature maps

Various methods of combining sampling layers with convolution layers to reduce complexity are
used by replacing the convolution with correlation. They have their respective formulas, and the
validness of these formulas can be tested only by coding them and executing them.
Where Yj is a feature map,
Yj(l) is an output feature map,
Yj(l-1) is an input feature map,
f() is the activation function
N – total number of input maps
Sx – horizontal convolution step size
Sy – vertical convolution step size
Kx – width of convolution kernels
Ky – height of convolution kernels
Here, cross-correlation is performed instead of convolution as convolution and cross-correlation
perform similar functions, except that in the convolution process, the kernel weights are flipped
vertically and horizontally which is given by

The activation function is givien by

f (x) = A tanh (Bx), (6)
where A denotes the amplitude of the function and B determines its slopes at the origin. The
values of A and B are set at 1.7159 and 2/3
The value at output neuron in F4 is given by the following equation:
Software Requirement Specifications:
i) Jupyter notebook
ii) Python 3.0+

Source Code:
Output Screenshots with Explanation


When In[1] is executed, the compiler identifies the specified directory (in this case ‘Datasets’) and
creates a python dictionary for each folder in the specified directory (in this case ‘man’ and
‘women’). The keys are given the same name as that of the folders, the value for the key ‘man’ is
assigned as ‘0’ and the value for the key ‘women’ is assigned as ‘1’. Later this dictionary is used
for producing the output based on the calculated value from the input.

Epoch 1/20
366/367 [============================>.] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.4939 - accura
cy: 0.7269INFO:tensorflow:Assets written to: ./training\model-001.model\as
367/367 [==============================] - 28s 72ms/step - loss: 0.4936 -
accuracy: 0.7271 - val_loss: 0.2583 - val_accuracy: 0.9175
Epoch 2/20
366/367 [============================>.] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.2138 - accura
cy: 0.9213INFO:tensorflow:Assets written to: ./training\model-002.model\as
367/367 [==============================] - 26s 71ms/step - loss: 0.2140 -
accuracy: 0.9212 - val_loss: 0.1614 - val_accuracy: 0.9410
Epoch 3/20
366/367 [============================>.] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.1690 - accura
cy: 0.9385INFO:tensorflow:Assets written to: ./training\model-003.model\as
367/367 [==============================] - 25s 69ms/step - loss: 0.1688 -
accuracy: 0.9386 - val_loss: 0.1455 - val_accuracy: 0.9465
Epoch 4/20
366/367 [============================>.] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.1529 - accura
cy: 0.9451INFO:tensorflow:Assets written to: ./training\model-004.model\as
367/367 [==============================] - 25s 69ms/step - loss: 0.1530 -
accuracy: 0.9451 - val_loss: 0.1413 - val_accuracy: 0.9495
Epoch 5/20
366/367 [============================>.] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.1448 - accura
cy: 0.9480INFO:tensorflow:Assets written to: ./training\model-005.model\as
367/367 [==============================] - 25s 69ms/step - loss: 0.1447 -
accuracy: 0.9481 - val_loss: 0.1358 - val_accuracy: 0.9519
Epoch 6/20
367/367 [==============================] - 24s 64ms/step - loss: 0.1322 -
accuracy: 0.9534 - val_loss: 0.1369 - val_accuracy: 0.9495
Epoch 7/20
367/367 [==============================] - 24s 65ms/step - loss: 0.1202 -
accuracy: 0.9579 - val_loss: 0.1393 - val_accuracy: 0.9509
Epoch 8/20
366/367 [============================>.] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.1167 - accura
cy: 0.9577INFO:tensorflow:Assets written to: ./training\model-008.model\as
367/367 [==============================] - 26s 72ms/step - loss: 0.1166 -
accuracy: 0.9578 - val_loss: 0.1306 - val_accuracy: 0.9546
Epoch 9/20
366/367 [============================>.] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.1117 - accura
cy: 0.9587INFO:tensorflow:Assets written to: ./training\model-009.model\as
367/367 [==============================] - 27s 74ms/step - loss: 0.1120 -
accuracy: 0.9585 - val_loss: 0.1299 - val_accuracy: 0.9523
Epoch 10/20
366/367 [============================>.] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.1093 - accura
cy: 0.9609INFO:tensorflow:Assets written to: ./training\model-010.model\as
367/367 [==============================] - 27s 73ms/step - loss: 0.1094 -
accuracy: 0.9608 - val_loss: 0.1225 - val_accuracy: 0.9577
Epoch 11/20
367/367 [==============================] - 24s 66ms/step - loss: 0.1042 -
accuracy: 0.9629 - val_loss: 0.1307 - val_accuracy: 0.9591
Epoch 12/20
367/367 [==============================] - 24s 66ms/step - loss: 0.0994 -
accuracy: 0.9632 - val_loss: 0.1339 - val_accuracy: 0.9574
Epoch 13/20
367/367 [==============================] - 25s 67ms/step - loss: 0.0982 -
accuracy: 0.9651 - val_loss: 0.1415 - val_accuracy: 0.9485
Epoch 14/20
367/367 [==============================] - 24s 66ms/step - loss: 0.0913 -
accuracy: 0.9667 - val_loss: 0.1329 - val_accuracy: 0.9594
Epoch 15/20
367/367 [==============================] - 24s 65ms/step - loss: 0.0936 -
accuracy: 0.9665 - val_loss: 0.1363 - val_accuracy: 0.9587
Epoch 16/20
367/367 [==============================] - 24s 65ms/step - loss: 0.0862 -
accuracy: 0.9670 - val_loss: 0.1393 - val_accuracy: 0.9574
Epoch 17/20
367/367 [==============================] - 24s 65ms/step - loss: 0.0796 -
accuracy: 0.9701 - val_loss: 0.1315 - val_accuracy: 0.9574
Epoch 18/20
367/367 [==============================] - 24s 65ms/step - loss: 0.0800 -
accuracy: 0.9723 - val_loss: 0.1400 - val_accuracy: 0.9598
Epoch 19/20
367/367 [==============================] - 24s 65ms/step - loss: 0.0776 -
accuracy: 0.9726 - val_loss: 0.1470 - val_accuracy: 0.9533
Epoch 20/20
367/367 [==============================] - 24s 65ms/step - loss: 0.0730 -
accuracy: 0.9723 - val_loss: 0.1451 - val_accuracy: 0.9611
A total of 20 epoches are used for training and at the end of the training process accuracy 96%
accuracy is obtained .


After training, we tested our project with various images for males and females, a few of which
have been included above. The inbuilt camera of the device in which we are executing the program,
open when execute In[*], the input is the image presented to camera which is then processed and
then the produced value is compared with that of the activation function, then with help of the
initially created dictionary, the final output is displayed in the camera.

i. Gender classification: a convolutional neural network approach

ii. Real-time Convolutional Neural Networks for Emotion and Gender Classification
iii. Age and Gender Classification using Multiple Convolutional Neural Network
iv. Convolutional Neural Networks for Gender Classification, 2017, Ari Ekmekji
v. Fusion of Multiple Simple Convolutional Neural Networks for Gender Classification,
2020, Nihad A. Abdalrady, Saleh Aly
vi. Gender Classification using Multiple Convolutional Neural Network, 2020, Khaled
Rahman Hassan1, Israa Hadi Ali
See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at:

Gender Classification: A Convolutional Neural Network Approach

Article  in  Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences · March 2016

DOI: 10.3906/elk-1311-58

52 16,527

4 authors:

Shan Sung Liew Mohamed Khalil-Hani

Charles & Keith Group Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


Feeza Radzi Rabia Bakhteri

Technical University of Malaysia Malacca Universiti Teknologi Malaysia


Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:

Finger vein Biometric Identification System View project

Arrhythmia Classification Algorithm and Processing Architecture View project

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Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences Turk J Elec Eng & Comp Sci
(2016) 24: 1248 – 1264
Research Article doi:10.3906/elk-1311-58

Gender classification: a convolutional neural network approach

Shan Sung LIEW1,∗, Mohamed KHALIL-HANI1 , Syafeeza AHMAD RADZI2 ,

VeCAD Research Laboratory, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
Skudai, Johor, Malaysia
FKEKK, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Hang Tuah Jaya, Durian Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia

Received: 07.11.2013 • Accepted/Published Online: 25.02.2014 • Final Version: 23.03.2016

Abstract: An approach using a convolutional neural network (CNN) is proposed for real-time gender classification
based on facial images. The proposed CNN architecture exhibits a much reduced design complexity when compared
with other CNN solutions applied in pattern recognition. The number of processing layers in the CNN is reduced to
only four by fusing the convolutional and subsampling layers. Unlike in conventional CNNs, we replace the convolution
operation with cross-correlation, hence reducing the computational load. The network is trained using a second-order
backpropagation learning algorithm with annealed global learning rates. Performance evaluation of the proposed CNN
solution is conducted on two publicly available face databases of SUMS and AT&T. We achieve classification accuracies
of 98.75% and 99.38% on the SUMS and AT&T databases, respectively. The neural network is able to process and
classify a 32 × 32 pixel face image in less than 0.27 ms, which corresponds to a very high throughput of over 3700
images per second. Training converges within less than 20 epochs. These results correspond to a superior classification
performance, verifying that the proposed CNN is an effective real-time solution for gender recognition.

Key words: Gender classification, convolutional neural network, fused convolutional and subsampling layers, backprop-

1. Introduction
Gender classification was first perceived as an issue in psychophysical studies; it focuses on the efforts of
understanding human visual processing and identifying key features used to categorize between male and
female individuals [1]. Research has shown that the disparity between facial masculinity and femininity can be
utilized to improve performances of face recognition applications in biometrics, human–computer interactions,
surveillance, and computer vision. However, in a real-world environment, the challenge is how to deal with the
facial image being affected by the variance in factors such as illumination, pose, facial expression, occlusion,
background information, and noise. This is then also the challenge in the development of a robust face-based
gender classification system that has high classification accuracy and real-time performance.
The conventional approach applied in face recognition, including face-based gender recognition, typically
involves the stages of image acquisition and processing, dimensionality reduction, feature extraction, and
classification, in that order. Prior knowledge of the application domain is required to determine the best
feature extractor to design. In addition, the performance of the recognition system is highly dependent on the
type of classifier chosen, which is in turn dependent on the feature extraction method applied. It is difficult
∗ Correspondence:

LIEW et al./Turk J Elec Eng & Comp Sci

to find a classifier that combines best with the chosen feature extractor such that an optimal classification
performance is achieved. Any changes to the problem domain require a complete redesign of the system.
The convolutional neural network (CNN) is a neural network variant that consists of a number of
convolutional layers alternating with subsampling layers and ends with one or more fully connected layers
in the standard multilayer perceptron (MLP). A significant advantage of the CNN over conventional approaches
in pattern recognition is its ability to simultaneously extract features, reduce data dimensionality, and classify
in one network structure. Such a structure, as illustrated in Figure 1, can boost recognition accuracy efficiently
and cost-effectively.

Preprocessed Input Compressed Input Feature Vector

Raw Input Preprocessing Dimensionality Feature Extraction Trainable

Class Scores
Module Reduction Module Module Classifier Module


Preprocessed Input

Dimensionality Reduction
Raw Input Trainable Feature Extraction Class Scores
Trainable Classifier

Convolutional Neural Network

Figure 1. Pattern recognition approaches: (a) conventional, (b) CNN-based.

The CNN performs both feature extraction and classification within a single network structure through
learning on data samples [4]. Feature selection is also integrated into the training process by learning the weights
held responsible for extracting features [2]. The CNN also has the ability to extract topological properties from
a raw input image with no or minimal preprocessing required [2]. In addition, a certain degree of invariance
is achieved while preserving the spatial topology of input data [1]. The CNN also provides partial resistance
and robustness to geometric distortions and transformations, and other 2D shape variations [2]. Hence, the
CNN is specifically designed to cope with shortcomings of the traditional feature extractor that is characterized
by being static, is designed independently of the trainable classifier, and is not part of training procedure [3].
A final benefit of CNNs is that they are relatively easier to train since they have fewer parameters than fully
connected MLP neural networks with the same number of hidden layers. Consequently, the CNN has shown
promising success in a wide range of applications that include character recognition [4], face recognition [5],
human tracking [6], traffic sign recognition, and many others.
In this paper, we propose a novel approach for real-time gender classification using a CNN. The main
contributions of this research are as follows. First, an efficient and effective 4-layer CNN for real-time face-based
gender classification is proposed. The network architecture has a reduced design complexity with a smaller
number of layers, neurons, trainable parameters, and connections when compared with existing methods. We
apply a novel algorithm in fusing the convolutional and subsampling layers, and we replace the convolution
operation with cross-correlation (i.e. we do not perform flipping of weights in the kernel matrix, as required
in convolution). Second, we conduct experiments to study and verify that the application of cross-correlation

LIEW et al./Turk J Elec Eng & Comp Sci

instead of convolution not only does not harm but actually improves the performance of the CNN in terms of
classification rate and processing speed. To the best of our knowledge, this appears to be the first time this
aspect of the design is reported in the literature. Finally, we benchmark our CNN solution for gender recognition
on two different face databases of SUMS and AT&T, and results show that the proposed method outperforms
almost all previous methods.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses previous works on gender
classification. Section 3 describes the background of the classical CNN. A detailed discussion on the architecture
and algorithms of the proposed automatic gender recognition system is presented in Section 4. Experimental
work and results are provided in Section 5, and Section 6 concludes the work done and proposes recommendations
for future works.

2. Previous work
Although gender classification can play a significant role in many computer vision applications, it has not been
as well studied compared to the more popular problem of recognition and identification. Most of the existing
solutions for pattern recognition problems apply trainable or nontrainable classifiers preceded by heuristic-
based feature extractors. This section briefly discusses previous works from the perspective of the classification
methods applied.
The support vector machine (SVM) is a popular algorithm for classification. In [7], a gender classification
system using a local binary pattern (LBP) and SVM with polynomial kernel was proposed, in which the
classification rate of 94.08% on the CAS-PEAL face database was reported. An average processing time of 0.12
s was achieved with MATLAB 6.1 implementation on a 3.0 GHz CPU. A disadvantage of the method is that
high classification performance can only be achieved if the block size for the LBP operator is correctly selected,
which is a rather difficult task. The work in [8] reported a high classification accuracy of 99.30% on the SUMS
face database. This work applied Viola and Jones face detection, 2D-DCT feature extraction, and the K-means
nearest neighbor (KNN) classifier. 2D-DCT is a compute-intensive algorithm; hence, this method is not suitable
for real-time applications. Among the first attempts to apply neural networks in gender classification, one was
reported in [9]. With a fully connected MLP used in conjunction with a large number of image processing
modules, the average error rate was 8.1%, which is rather large compared to state-of-the-art results. The hybrid
approach proposed in [10] processed the face image with principal component analysis (PCA) for dimensionality
reduction. A genetic algorithm (GA) was then used to select a good subset of eigenfeatures. An average error
rate of 11.30% was reported. In addition to the poor error rate achieved, the main drawback of this method is
that, although it is an effective global random search method, the GA exhibits high computational complexity.
The main disadvantages of the aforementioned methods are that the feature extraction and classification modules
are designed and trained separately, and they require prior application-specific knowledge in order to obtain
optimal preprocessing and feature extraction designs.
Among the first to propose gender classification by combining both feature extraction and classification
in a single neural network were Titive and Bouzerdoum in [1]. Their technique, which applied a novel shunting
inhibitory convolutional neural network (called SICoNNets), had an average classification accuracy of 97.1% on
the FERET face database. The superior performance achieved was mainly due to a shunting inhibitory neuron
that had two activation functions and one division to perform. In [5], the proposed CNN comprised six layers,
with the final layer being a single neuron to represent the output class. On the FERET database, a classification
rate of 94.7% was achieved on unmixed datasets. In short, the above CNN-based solutions demonstrate the
potential of achieving superior performance in recognition problems and gender classification in particular.

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3. Background on convolutional neural network

A CNN is a type of feedforward network structure that is formed by multiple layers of convolutional filters
alternated with subsampling filters followed by fully connected layers. Figure 2 shows the classical LeNet-5
CNN, first introduced by LeCun et al. in [4], which is the basis of the design of conventional CNNs. In [4],
it was successfully applied in a handwritten digit recognition problem. LeNet-5 has six processing layers, not
including the input layer, which is of image size 32 × 32 pixels.

Input C1 S2 C3 S4 C5 F6(Output)
1@32 × 32 4@28× 28 4 @14×14 16@10×10 16@5×5 64@ 1×1 1@1×1

5×5Convolutions 2×2Subsampling 5×5Convolutions 2×2Subsampling Full Connections Full Connections

Figure 2. Architecture of the classical LeNet-5 CNN.

As illustrated in Figure 2, the processing layers consist of three convolutional layers C1, C3, and C5
interspersed in between with two subsampling layers, S2 and S4, and an output layer, F6. The convolutional
and subsampling layers are organized into planes called feature maps. Each neuron in a convolutional layer
is connected locally to a small input region of size 5 × 5 (the receptive field) in the preceding layer [1]. All
neurons from the same feature map receive inputs from different 5 × 5 input regions, such that the whole
input plane is scanned, but they share the same set of weights (that forms the kernel). This is called local
weight sharing; each feature map is the result of convolving the kernel with a receptive field. However, different
feature maps in the same layer use different kernels. In the subsampling layers, the feature maps are spatially
downsampled; that is, the map size is reduced by a factor of two. For example, the feature map in layer C1
of size 28 × 28 is subsampled to a corresponding feature map of size 14 × 14 in the subsequent layer S2.
The output layer F6, which is a MLP, performs the classification process. The concepts of local receptive field,
weight sharing, and spatial subsampling mentioned above are the three principle architectural ideas behind the
design of a CNN [2,6]. In weight sharing topology, all neurons in a feature map use the same incoming set of
weights (kernel weights), and feature extraction is performed by convolving the image with these kernels [3,11].
As such, a feature map in a CNN is a 2D representation of extracted features from input feature map(s) or
input image. Such an arrangement of neurons with identical kernel weights and local receptive fields in a spatial
array forms an architecture akin to models of biological vision systems. There are several advantages of this
strategy. First, the network complexity and the dimensionality of data are reduced effectively [1,11]. Weight
sharing also serves as an alternative to weight elimination, which reduces the memory capacity of the machine.
In the CNN, subsampling is applied for the purpose of dimensionality reduction while still maintaining relevant
information in the input plane, as well as to reduce shift and distortion sensibility of detected features [3]. For
more details on the algorithms of the LeNet-5 CNN, please refer to [4].

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4. Proposed CNN for gender classification

In this section, we present the design details of the proposed CNN for automatic gender recognition. We
describe the network architecture, provide the corresponding formulations and algorithms, and present the
training algorithm of our CNN.

4.1. Architecture
Figure 3 shows the overview of the network architecture of our CNN. The network consists of four processing
layers: three convolutional layers (denoted by C1, C2, and C3) and one output layer (denoted by F4). The
input layer is a 2D face image of size 32 × 32 pixels. Layers C1, C2, and C3 are convolutional layers of four 14
× 14, sixteen 5 × 5, and sixty-four 1 × 1 feature maps, respectively. Layer F4 consists of a single perceptron,
also referred as a 1 @ 1 × 1 map.

Input C1 C2 C3 F4 (Output)
1@32×32 4 @14×14 16@5×5 64@1×1 1@1×1

6×6 Convolutions 6×6 Convolutions Full Connections Full Connections

Figure 3. Proposed CNN architecture for gender classification.

To connect the feature maps of layer C1 to the subsequent layer C2, we apply the partial-connection
scheme provided in Figure 4. This connection, not being a full connection, essentially forces each filter to learn
different features from the same feature map [4]. On the other hand, layers C2 and C3 are fully connected: each
neuron in C3 (which is a 1 × 1 map) is connected to a 5 × 5 region in all 16 feature maps in C2.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

0 × × × × × × × × ×

1 × × × × × × × × ×
2 × × × × × × × × ×

3 × × × × × × × × ×

Figure 4. C1-C2 partial-connection scheme.

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4.2. Formulation: fusion of convolutional and subsampling layers

The number of layers of the proposed CNN is reduced by fusing a convolutional and a subsampling layer into
one layer. The idea was first introduced by Simard et al. [12], which was later refined by Mamalet and Garcia
[13]. In this work, we replace consecutive convolutional and subsampling layers with one convolutional layer
using strides of 2. A feature map, Yj (x , y) in layer l can be described by the following equation:

 
(l) K (l) ( )
∑ ∑
N Kx ∑
(l − 1)
Yj (x , y) = f  Sx(l) x + u, Sy(l) y + v wji (u, v) + θj  ,
(l) (l) (l)
Yi (1)

(l − 1) (l)
where Yi and Yj are the input and output feature maps respectively, f ( ) denotes the activation function,
(l) (l)
wji is the convolutional kernel weight, θj is the bias, N represents the total number of input feature maps,
(l) (l) (l) (l)
Sx is the horizontal convolution step size, Sy is the vertical convolution step size, and Kx and Ky are the
(l) (l)
width and height of convolutional kernels, respectively. The width W and height H of the output feature
(l) (l)
map with convolution step sizes of Sx and Sy can be computed as:

W (l − 1) − Kx
W (l) = (l)
+1 (2)

H (l − 1) − Ky
H (l) = (l)
+ 1, (3)

where W (l − 1) and H (l − 1) correspond to the width and height of input feature map.
Figure 5 gives a pictorial representation of the formulation above. The diagram shows that a 5 × 5
convolution followed by a 2 × 2 subsampling operation can be replaced by a single 6 × 6 convolution operation
with step size (strides) of 2, because they generate exactly the same output feature map.

Input Image Convolutional Layer Subsampling Layer Input Image Convolutional Layer

4×4 Convolution 2×2 Subsampling 6×6 Convolution

Step Size=1 Step Size = 2

Feature Map Size =14×14 Feature Map Size =10×10 Feature Map Size =5× 5 Feature Map Size = 14×14 Feature Map Size = 5×5
Filter Size =5×5 Filter Size =2× 2 Filter Size = 6×6

(a) (b)

Figure 5. Operations on feature maps in the convolutional layer: (a) conventional approach applying convolution (with
step size of 1) followed by subsampling, (b) fused convolution/subsampling approach applying convolutions with step
size of 2.

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Note that, in the formulation given above, we perform cross-correlation instead of convolution. Recall that
in image processing, convolution and cross-correlation perform similar functions, except that in the convolution
process, the kernel weights are flipped vertically and horizontally. The general equation for a 2D discrete
convolution is given by:
Kx ∑
∑ Ky
Y (x , y) = X(x − u, y − v)w(u , v) (4)

where X is an input image, Y is the output image, w is the kernel, and Kx and Ky represent the width and
height of convolutional kernel, respectively. This operation involves flipping of the kernel weights before the
dot product is performed. In contrast, a 2D discrete cross-correlation (for image processing) is described by the
following equation:

Kx ∑
Y (x , y) = X(x + u , y + v)w(u , v). (5)

Essentially, Eqs. (4) and (5) are similar, except in Eq. (5), the kernel weights are not flipped. We illustrate
these operations using the diagrams in Figure 6, where Figure 6a gives an example convolution kernel. In
the conventional approach, as depicted in Figure 6b, a 2D discrete convolution is performed by convolving an
overlapped input plane with the convolution kernel with kernel weights being flipped in both horizontal and
vertical directions. In Figure 6c, the same operation is shown, but now without flipping the kernel. Since values
of the convolution kernel (weights) in a convolutional layer are randomly initialized, flipping has little effect on
the convolution output.

9 8 7 1 2 3
1 2 3 6 5 4 4 5 6
4 5 6 3 2 1 7 8 9
7 8 9

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 6. The 2D discrete convolution operation: (a) example convolution kernel, (b) convolution with kernel weights
flipped, (c) convolution with kernel weight not flipped.

Flipping operations add more computational time in both feedforward and backward propagations.
Hence, the modification of replacing convolution with cross-correlation is advantageous, especially when dealing
with numerous convolutions to be performed on large kernel sizes, and on large datasets within a large number
of training iterations (epochs).
In this work, we apply, in the convolutional layers, a scaled hyperbolic tangent function as described by
the following equation:
f (x) = A tanh (Bx), (6)

where A denotes the amplitude of the function and B determines its slopes at the origin. The values of A and
B are set at 1.7159 and 2/3 as suggested by LeCun et al. [4].
For the output layer F4, a single perceptron is used to determine the class of a particular input pattern.

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The value at output neuron in F4 is given by the following equation:

( )

(l − 1) (l) (l)
Yj = f Yi wji + θj , (7)

where f ( ) represents the activation function used for each neuron, N is the total number of input neuron(s),
(l − 1) (l)
Yi is the value of the input neuron, wji is the synaptic weight connecting the input neuron(s) to the
output neuron, and θj denotes the bias. Male gender is represented by the output value of +1 , whereas −1
indicates that the pattern belongs to the female class.

Table 1. Comparison of backpropagation algorithm complexity between that of the conventional CNN and that of the
architecture with fused convolutional and subsampling layer [13].

Layer Number of operations

Convolutional layer, Ci Wi Hi Ki2
Wi Hi Ki2+ 1
Subsampling layerSi ( 4 )
2 2 Wi Hi
F used layerCS i 4 (Ki + 1) + (Ki + 1 + 1) 16
(Ci ,S) 16Ki2 + 4Ki2+ 1
Speedup f actor, CS i 4(Ki + 1) + (Ki + 1 + 1)2

Table 1 shows the comparison of complexity in the backpropagation training algorithm when applied
in the conventional CNN architecture and the CNN with fused convolutional/subsampling layers [10]. It
can be observed that the fused convolutional layer can achieve higher computational speeds compared to the
combination of a convolutional layer and subsampling layer, as in conventional CNN architecture.
In addition to the performance speedup gained as a result of a fused convolutional layer, we also observe
a positive effect on the classification performance when weight flipping is not applied. This is discussed later in
Section 5. It should be noted here that researchers, for example in [14] and [15], have applied cross-correlation
instead of convolution in the convolutional layers, although they have stated in their papers that convolution is

4.3. Training algorithm

Backpropagation is the most common learning method for neural networks. Error gradients are computed and
propagated from output to input layers, and the weight values are updated so as to minimize the network error.
However, a major weakness of standard backpropagation is its extremely slow convergence rate. In second-order
methods, adjustments to learning rate parameters are performed dynamically to accelerate network convergence.
In this paper, we apply a second-order backpropagation algorithm, the stochastic diagonal Levenberg–Marquardt
(SDLM) algorithm, that was proposed by LeCun et al. in [16]. We enhance the method by adding an annealed
global learning rate for faster network convergence. The algorithm below shows the training procedure of our
CNN, using backpropagation with the SDLM algorithm as a learning mechanism.
In InitializeWeight( ), the kernel weights are initialized with random values generated based on a
uniform distribution within the range of [−0.05, 0.05]. We have performed experiments using different weight
initialization methods with different parameter values, and we have found that uniform distribution gives the
best result.

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Algorithm. Training procedure of CNN.

1: InitializeWeight (CNN);
2. while not reaching convergence do
3: CalculateLearningRateSDLM (samples);
4: Shuffle (samples);
5: for each training sample do
6: output ← ForwardPassCNN (sample);
7: loss ← CalculateError (output);
8: error ← BackwardPassCNN (loss);
9: WeightUpdate (error);
10: end for
11: end while
The SDLM algorithm approximates the Hessian matrix as a Jacobian square of network output error with
respect to the weights. The approximation yields acceptable computational costs besides ensuring invertibility
and a faster convergence rate [16]. In the CalculateLearningRateSDLM (samples) procedure, the SDLM learning
algorithm is enhanced with annealed global learning rates. The adaptive learning rate for each individual weight
(or biases) is computed using:
ηji = ∂ 2 Y , (8)
⟨ ∂w2 ⟩ + µ

where ηji is the learning rate for weight wji , ϵ denotes the annealed global learning rate, and µ is regularization
parameter. Approximation of the 2nd derivative of the output with respect to the weight is computed from the
following equation:
∂2Y ∂2Y ∂2Y
⟨ 2 ⟩new = (1 − γ) ⟨ 2 ⟩old + γ⟨ 2 ⟩current , (9)
∂wji ∂wji ∂wji

where γ is a small memory constant that determines the influence of the previous value on the calculation of
the next learning rate. The annealed global learning rate is given as

 ϵmax t=0
ϵ = ϵmin ϵt < ϵmin (10)

 t
ϵ ×α otherwise

where α denotes the fading factor of the global learning rate, ϵmax is the initial global learning rate, and ϵmin is
the minimum global learning rate. The calculations of learning rates are only performed once every two training
epochs, and the parameters are set as follows: µ = 0.03, γ = 0.00001, ϵmax = 0.001 , ϵmin = 0.00001 , and
α = 0.8. Each individual weight or bias is updated with its corresponding learning rate.
In step 7 of the training procedure, the network error is determined. We use mean squared error (MSE)
as the loss function, described by the following equation:

1 2
LP = (YP − DP ) , (11)

where DP denotes the desired output value for a particular pattern P , YP is the actual output value, and LP
is the output of loss function, i.e. the MSE.
In step 9 of the training procedure, the kernel weights are updated. The weight updating is similar to
that applied in standard backpropagation, except that, in this case, each individual weight (or bias) is updated

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with its corresponding learning rate according to the following equations:

∂Y P
wji (t + 1) = wji (t) − ηji , (12)
∂wji (t)

∂Y P
θj (t + 1) = θj (t) − ηj , (13)
∂θj (t)

where wji (t + 1) and θj (t + 1) are the new weight and bias values for the next training iteration, respectively.

5. Experimental work and results

This section presents the experimental results of our CNN solution for gender classification. The proposed CNN
algorithm is written in C, compiled using GCC as a single-threaded program with optimization level 3 (O3) in
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Our CNN is implemented on an Intel Core 2 Duo T8300 (2.4 GHz) PC with 3 GB RAM.
The code is also cross-compiled for execution on an Altera Nios II processor with 1 GB RAM and 280 MHz
clock, and implemented on the Stratix III FPGA system-on-chip platform.

5.1. Databases and dataset preparation

The classification performance of the trained CNN is evaluated on two publicly available face databases of
SUMS and AT&T. For performance evaluation and benchmarking, we apply our gender classification system
on the SUMS face database. SUMS, or the Stanford Medical Student Face Database, consists of a total of 400
gray-scale images with a 200 × 200 sized image per subject. There are 200 male and 200 female subjects in the
database. The faces are in upright, frontal position, with little or no variances in subject illumination. Subjects
have different facial expressions (smiling/nonsmiling) and facial details (glasses/no glasses).
The AT&T face database, formerly known as the ORL database, contains 10 images of 40 subjects (36
males and 4 females), with original image size of 92 × 112 pixels. The images are taken on dark homogeneous
backgrounds with slightly varying illumination, in which subjects’ faces are in an upright frontal position
(with tolerance for some side movement). There are variations in face images in terms of facial expressions
(open/closed eyes, smiling/nonsmiling) and facial details (glasses/no glasses).
The face images in the SUMS face database are manually cropped to contain only the main facial features:
eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, and beard and glasses if present. They are then resized to 32×32 pixels. For the
AT&T face database, manual cropping with window size of 92 × 92 pixels is performed on raw face images,
which are then resized to 32 × 32 pixels. Examples of cropped images for the SUMS and AT&T databases are
provided in Figures 7 and 8, respectively.

(a) (b)
Figure 7. Cropped face images in SUMS database: (a) male subjects, (b) female subjects.

Figure 8. Cropped face images in AT&T database: (a) male subjects, (b) female subjects.

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The cropped face images are normalized using the local contrast normalization method. The pixel values
are normalized to be within the range of −1 and +1 using the following equation:
( )
max − min
x = (x − xmin ) + min, (14)
xmax − xmin

where x is the input pixel value. xmax and xmin denote maximum and minimum pixel values in an input image,
respectively. max is the upper boundary value, and min is the lower boundary value after normalization.
The preprocessed (cropped and normalized) images are divided randomly into training and testing sets,
summarized as shown in Table 2. No images of the same subject exist in both training and testing sets.

Table 2. Training and testing sets of face databases.

Face Training Testing

database Male Female % Male Female %
SUMS 120 120 60 80 80 40 400
AT&T 216 24 60 144 16 40 400

5.2. Results on classification performance

Figure 9 provides a visualization of the network outputs of a training image sample. Convolutions of input
image in layer C1 extract 4 different complex features, which are convolved with 36 learned kernels to produce
16 simpler 5 × 5 features. These simpler features are then decomposed into a series of pixels representing
output values of a fully connected layer and are finally classified through the output neuron. In this work, a
white pixel represents the value of +1, and −1 denotes a black pixel.
Since there are only two classes of pattern in gender recognition, the input pattern is classified as male if
Y ≥ threshold , or female if otherwise. In this paper, the threshold value is set to 0. The number of correct

classifications is obtained by presenting all the input patterns in the dataset to the network and accumulating
all the correct classifications. The classification rate is then obtained by the following equation:

Correct classifications
Classification rate = × 100%. (15)
Total testing samples

Figures 10a and 10b show the trends of the training and testing errors for the SUMS and AT&T datasets,
respectively. It is observed that in the initial stage of the epoch, training MSEs are higher compared to
corresponding testing MSEs, and they go lower after about 6 epochs. This can be explained by the fact that the
number of samples in the training set is greater than the testing set. At a further stage in the training process,
both training and testing errors are reduced to the extent that the values begin to stabilize. This indicates
that the network is arriving at convergence. The effect of using the 2nd order method for network learning (i.e.
SDLM) is clearly observed in the case of the SUMS database, implied by the steep gradient in the graph in
Figure 10a.
Figure 11 plots the misclassification error against epochs, showing that our CNN converges within 20
epochs of training iterations. We obtain a classification rate of 98.75% for the SUMS dataset and a high
classification rate of 99.38% for AT&T face database. In the case of the AT&T dataset, only one misclassification
is generated from 160 testing samples.

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Figure 9. Feature maps at different layers of the CNN for a training image.

Mean Squared Errors (MSE) for Training and Testing Mean Squared Errors (MSE) for Training and Testing
0.55 0.22
0.5 0.2
Training Training
Mean Squared Error (MSE)

Mean Squared Error (MSE)

0.45 0.18
Testing Testing
0.15 0.08

0.1 a 0.06 b
0.05 0.04
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Iterations (Epochs) Iterations (Epochs)

Figure 10. Training and testing errors for (a) SUMS, (b) AT&T database.

5.3. Evaluation of the effects of weight flipping to classification performance

In this paper, we have proposed a CNN architecture that performs cross-correlation in the fused convolutional
layer instead of the standard 2D discrete convolution. We evaluate the effects of weight flipping in the convolution

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kernels on the classification performance on both SUMS and AT&T face databases. The same learning method
with the same parameter values was applied in both cases. Table 3 gives the results of this experiment.
We achieve a significant increase of 1.87% in the classification rate in the case of SUMS. The same result is
observed with the AT&T database, where the classification performance improves from 97.50% to 99.38%. This
result proves that using cross-correlation (no weight flipping) instead of convolution (kernel weights are flipped)
improves the classification performance of our CNN.

Misclassification Errors of Training and Testing Set Misclassification Errors of Training and Testing Set
120 25

100 Training Training

Testing 20 Testing
Misclassification Error

Misclassification Error



a b
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Iterations (Epochs) Iterations (Epochs)
Figure 11. Misclassification errors for (a) SUMS database, (b) AT&T database.

Table 3. Effect of weight flipping on CNN classification rates.

Classification rate (%)

CNN convolutional layer applying:
Convolution (i.e. kernel weights are flipped) 96.88 97.50
Cross-correlation (i.e. kernel weights are not flipped) 98.75 99.38

5.4. Benchmarking results on classification performance

Tables 4 and 5 provide the results of benchmarking the proposed CNN against state-of-the-art previous works
that were evaluated on the SUMS and AT&T databases, respectively. In the case of SUMS, we achieve a
classification rate that is among the highest, second only to that of Nazir et al. in [7], in which they applied
DCT with a Kohonen neural network. We can explain this by the fact that we did not apply histogram
equalization to the cropped face images as this will eliminate the effects of illumination variations.

Table 4. Benchmarking results based on SUMS face database.

Researcher(s) Year Method(s) Classification rate (%)

Khan et al. [17] 2013 Decision tree 98.50
Majid et al. [18] 2003 DCT + modified KNN 98.54
Nazir et al. [8] 2010 DCT + KNN 99.30
Proposed work 2014 CNN with fused convolution and subsampling layers 98.75

Table 5 shows previous related works on gender classification using the AT&T face database. To the
best of our knowledge, our proposed method achieves the highest classification rate among all other techniques

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proposed in these papers. This shows the superior performance of the CNN over other feature extraction and
classification methods.
Table 5. Benchmarking results based on AT&T face database.

Researcher(s) Year Method(s) Classification rate (%)

Jiao et al. [19] 2012 PCA + extreme learning machine 93.75
Basha et al. [20] 2012 Continuous wavelet transform & SVM 98.00
Berbar [21] 2013 DCT + SVM 98.93
Proposed work 2014 CNN with fused convolution and subsampling layers 99.38

5.5. Evaluation of training performance

We compare the training performance of the proposed method against LeNet-5 representing all conventional
CNNs. Table 6 gives the number of trainable parameters and connections for the two cases. It is observed that
our CNN has a slightly higher number of trainable parameters, with a small overhead of only 1.5%, as compared
to the conventional architecture. However, in terms of the number of connections, the conventional CNN has
2.3 times more connections than the proposed CNN. Increasing the number of learnable parameters contributes
to more memory space required, but more connections will create more computational load, thus slowing down
the network.
Table 6. Summary of comparisons between 2 different architectures.

CNN architecture Total trainable parameters Total connections

LeNet-5 26789 207,745
Proposed CNN 27189 88,997

We measure the performances of different CNN architectures by evaluating the average processing time
needed for each of them. The average processing times for a single training epoch with 240 and 480 training
patterns, 10 training epochs, and testing of a single pattern are measured, respectively. The performance is
evaluated without taking into account the time taken for weight initialization and reading input images from

Training Performances of Different CNN Architectures


Average Processing Time (s)







a 10 Epochs 1 Epoch (Double Dataset Size) 1 Epoch b

Figure 12. Training performance for different CNN architectures running on (a) PC platform, (b) FPGA platform.

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Figure 12 provides the processing times of LeNet-5 and our CNN with and without convolution weight
flipping. We observe that the proposed CNN requires the lowest processing time. Training the network for
one epoch in CNN1 (LeNet5 with weight flipping in kernels) consumes about 4.65 s, while CNN4 (our CNN
without weight flipping) requires only 1.98 s. CNN3 (our CNN with weight flipping) performs training of an
epoch within 2.02 s, which implies that the effect of weight flipping is not very significant in slowing down the
network for a single training epoch. However, the differences are amplified for more training epochs and with
larger datasets to be learned. The difference of processing times in CNN3 and CNN4 trained within 10 epochs
is 0.64 s. Similar patterns are observed as well in the FPGA platform. It is worth mentioning that the training
of the face database is completed within less than 15 epochs, which is less than 1 min.
Figure 13 illustrates the significant speedup obtained on a PC platform compared to the FPGA platform,
which is most probably due to hardware resource constraints on the second platform.

x 10 5 Average Processing Time for 1 Testing Epoch Average Processing Time for 1 Testing Epoch
2.5 600
LeNet−5 with weight flip (CNN1)
LeNet−5 without weight flip (CNN2)
500 Simplified CNN with weight flip (CNN3)

Average Processing Time (ms)

Average Processing Time (s)

Simplified CNN without weight flip (CNN4)





a 0 0
Without O3 Optimization With O3 Optimization Without O3 Optimization With O3 Optimization
Figure 13. Average processing time for a testing epoch running on (a) FPGA platform, (b) PC platform.

Average Processing Time for 1 Single Sample Average Processing Time for 1 Single Sample
0.7 1.4
LeNet−5 with weight flip (CNN1)
LeNet−5 without weight flip (CNN2)
0.6 1.2 Simplified CNN with weight flip (CNN3)
Average Processing Time (ms)

Average Processing Time (s)

Simplified CNN without weight flip (CNN4)

0.5 1

0.4 0.8

0.3 0.6

0.2 0.4

0.1 0.2

a 0 b 0

Figure 14. Average processing time for a single face image running on (a) PC platform, (b) FPGA platform.

In fact, in real-world applications, end users are more concerned with the classification time required for
a single input pattern, rather than total training time needed for the network to learn all the training patterns.

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Figure 14 shows the amount of processing time required for evaluation of a single test pattern. The figure clearly
illustrates that the proposed CNN achieves significant speedup compared to LeNet-5, that is, 2.27 times faster
than the conventional architecture. In addition, the effect of weight flipping in the testing phase is obviously
seen as well. Our CNN without weight flipping performs 1.59 times faster than the one with weight flipping
operations. In this experiment, CNN4 achieves an average processing time of less than 0.27 ms for a single
sample. In other words, the proposed method is able to process more than 3700 3 input images of 2 × 32 pixels
within 1 s, which is very suitable for implementation in a real-time platform.

6. Conclusion and future works

We have proposed an optimized CNN architecture for gender classification. The architecture consists of
fused convolutional and subsampling layers, and cross-correlation is applied in the processing layers instead of
convolution. Benchmarking results have shown that the proposed CNN has superior classification performance,
achieving 98.75% and 99.38% classification rates on the SUMS and AT&T face databases respectively. In
addition, our proposed architecture has achieved significant speedup, able to process and classify a 32 × 32
pixel input image in less than 0.3 ms on PC platform. To the best of our knowledge, this is among the first
experiments to study the effect of weight flipping on the performance of a CNN in terms of classification rate and
processing speed. The research work can be extended for face detection and alignment tasks using similar CNN
architectures to produce a complete gender recognition system. The method is suitable for custom hardware
implementation targeted for real-time processing in resource-constrained environments.

The authors would like to thank the Stanford University School of Medicine and AT&T Laboratories, Cam-
bridge, for compiling and maintaining the face databases. This work was supported by the Ministry of Science,
Technology and Innovation of Malaysia (MOSTI) and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) under the eScience-
Fund Grant No. 4S116.


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