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Shalinn Weaver and
Arina Witt
Homeless people in Pennsylvania in January 2019
The Process
1. Approval on SHINE
2. Creating a Flyer to post on MySHU (flopped)
3. Posting information about this project on social media (also flopped)
4. Email to Bethany Gary to send out to all RAs
5. Placing boxes in each of the residence halls
a. Maura (4th floor)
b. Canevin/Lowe (1st floor by the elevator)
c. Havey lobby
d. Brownlee lobby
e. Sisters of Charity lobby
f. Dechantal lobby
g. Farrell lobby
6. Collecting Donations from the residence halls
7. Delivering the donations to Welcome Home and Goodwill
Why did we pick Welcome
About Welcome Home
1. Who they are
a. Located in Greensburg, PA
b. Temporary emergency shelter for families and single women
2. What they do
a. Offers 30-60 days of emergency shelter
b. Other than offering basic needs, they also offer life skills classes
i. Cooking skills, budgeting, home management, etc.
c. Assists 250 women, children, and men each year
3. History
a. Opened in October of 2002 with the help of The Bethlehem Project, Seton Hill
University, Westmoreland County Department of Planning and Development, the
Westmoreland Coalition on Housing, and other collaborative entities
4. Funding
a. Local, private and state funded grants
b. Generous community members and fundraising efforts
What donations were
1. Clothing
a. Donations from Brownlee and Dechantal Halls
2. Toiletries
a. Deodorant for males and females
b. body wash
c. Shampoo
d. Conditioner
e. Dental care
i. Floss
ii. Mouthwash
iii. Toothpaste
iv. Toothbrushes
f. Razors for males and females
g. Shaving cream
Welcome Home (toiletries
not pictured, unfortunately)

Goodwill (clothes)
Catholic Social Teaching Theme
Option for the poor and vulnerable

"What you do for the least among you, you do for Jesus." Matthew 25:34-40
"I know that the LORD secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy." Psalms 140:12

“Love for others, and in the first place love for the poor, in whom the Church sees Christ himself, is made concrete in the
promotion of justice." Jesus always helped and still helps those who are poor and those who help the poor will be honored
and repaid for their deed.

"The deprivation and powerlessness of the poor wounds the whole community. The extent of their suffering is a measure
of how far we are from being a true community of persons."
What Arina learned

● Community comes through

helping others in need
● Giving to those in need in
different ways is one of the most
rewarding feelings at the end of
the day
● Connections and research about
places that need help are very
What Shalinn learned

● How to work with a community

● The importance of helping
● How to effectively get others
engaged in the process
● Giving to the community gives
me a rush of oxytocin,
serotonin, and dopamine

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