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IEP Meeting

Skills #2

In my pre-student teaching placement this semester, I was assigned to 6th grade at

Jeannette McKee Elementary School. With this teacher, there is a learning support teacher

assigned to the first period class and she follows them to all of their classes. I have been able to

observe her and her students in the general education and learning support classrooms.

While observing, I had the opportunity to look at some of the IEPs she has created in IEP

Writer. We went over the different sections and how it differs between students. She also

answered all my questions. This led to me being invited to an upcoming IEP meeting. The

parents agreed to let me sit in this meeting to observe.

On April 25, 2023, the IEP meeting was held. The general education teacher was

someone I knew and we had one college class together. The director of special education was the

LEA for this meeting. I always thought it had to be a principal to be the LEA. The learning

support teacher led the meeting and went through each section of the student’s IEP with

everyone. The parents asked some questions and everything was clarified. They were super

understanding people with an appreciation for the school district and teachers. There was some

talk about how some of the other districts they were in went and how this is the best one so far.

Most of the meeting focused on the student’s academic standing and the goals they are working

towards. The meeting went smoothly.

This opportunity helped me to see how an actual IEP looks like, what is discussed in an

IEP meeting, and the specifics of conducting an IEP meeting. I have only written one IEP for

another class, so this was extremely helpful for me when I will start teaching.

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