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Who the Saint it (name, family, where they´re from, where they lived, and other

basic information)
St.Bruno of Cologne is a medieval saint from Cologne (Germany) who was born in a known
family (Hartenfaust family) who became professor of theology at the Cathedral School at
Rheims.Then became a hermit under Abbott St. Robert of Molesmes and after moved to
Grenoble. followed St.Benedict rule.

Your Saint´s philosophy /theology (what part of the Faith did they focus on,
what beliefs did their actions reflect?)

Founded Carthusians monks- more strict couldn’t eat meat or alcohol. He focused on living
an austere life. reflected he lived as a hermit and fasted. Didn’t accept archibisop because
didn’t see it moral this reflects this virtues. He dedicated his life to penance and prayer in
silence and solitude.

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