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9th Grade-World History

Mr. Gigante
November 6th,2019

Colonial Unity and Growing Discontent

Directions: Answer the following questions using the excerpt about colonial unity and the
short video on The Navigation Acts. All responses must be in at least 3 complete
sentences. All answers need to be on a separate piece of paper.

1. What was the significance of the New England Confederation?

It was a group of four colonies( two from massachusetts and two from Conneticut)
made for the purpose of denfense against the other inhabitants of North America.
The Confederation then was used to solve incolony problems and vote. Not to Forget
of course, the confederation was a exclusive Puritan group who didn’t offered
entrance to other colonies such as maine for heretical problems.

2. How did the early stages of the English Civil War affect how the colonies were

The English civil war really influenced the way the colonies were governed by various
reasons. The first one was that the English focused less on them wich actually
benefit them, this is called benign neglect( beneficial oblivion).This also led them to
be able to live semiautonomously.

3. What changes did Charles II make in how Great Britain treated the North
American Colonies?

The coming of Charles II changed the colonies treat. First of All, Great Britain made
an effort to saddle again the English Church in the colonies, which changed practice
of Puritanism. Charles II also punished the colonies and introduced charters which
removed much of the liberty they had gained.

4. After watching the video on the Navigation Act, how do you think it created
tensions between Great Britain and the colonists?

I think the tensions Great Britain and the colonists were obtained through several
factors. The first factor was the fact that colonists saw it very unfair to have to follow
Great Britain’s rules which clearly were unfair since they had to pay taxes for
everything to Great Britain which clearly showed how they took advantage of them
and how afterwards Great Britain didn’t used it to benefit the country in general( with
the colonies included) but to benefit only Great Britain. Another realy important factor
was that they weren’t even allowed to vote for this unfair laws, which made them feel
kind of a slave, unwanted, and used. It also made them feel a slave because they
had to have everything controlled by them.

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