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Business Impact Assessment Instructions

1 Provide a general, high level description of the business function/process that the IT Service is used to support, over

2 Describe the impact if the confidentiality of the service is compromised in cell C14.
3 Rate the confidentiality impacts using the Impact Table (see separate worksheet) in cells C-H20.

4 Describe the impact if the integrity of the service is compromised in cell C15.
5 Rate the integrity impacts using the Impact Table (see separate worksheet) in cells C-H21.

6 Describe the impact if the integrity of the service is compromised in cell C16.
7 Rate the availability impacts using the Impact Table (see separate worksheet) in cells C-H22.

8 Review the outcomes with all stakeholders to validate the worst case, plausible impact descriptions and ratings.

Note: The EML (Expected Maximum Loss) will auto calculate the highest impact ratings for each category of Confidentiality

# Confidential
Service is used to support, overwriting the guidance text in cell E4.

ct descriptions and ratings.

each category of Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability.

# Confidential
Business Impact Assessment

Service: Service Description

Assessment Date:
Review Date:
Service Type:
IT Service Owner:
Businesss Owner: Scott Bannister MyPM is Orica's mobile asset management solution. It is used to report problems and execute
Daniel Schoeman maintenance work in the field using mobile devices. The solution can operate both on-line and off-line.

Ben Winiarczyk
BIA Stakeholders: Jason Nalder
Scott Jones
Devan Vosloo

Impact Type Impact Description

Confidentiality Unsupported software can lead to unavailability or MyPM. This will introduce paper systems that is less confidential than capturing data directly in MyPM.

Unsupported software can lead to unavailability or MyPM. This can reduce the integrity of data captured through the introduction of paper based systems and
removing the data capturing from the point of origin. Reduced tool time of technicians will have impact on asset integrity due to reduced levels of maintenance.

Unsupported software can lead to unavailability or MyPM. This will require supervisors to revert back to paper based system, reducing time available for other
Availability activities. Field technicians will be required to capture information on paper based job cards and spend time updating job confirmation details in the system which will
reduce available tool time, impact on equipment availability and failures that can lead to increased maintenance cost and decrease in sales to customers

Impact Rating
Impact Type Expected
Finance SH&E Comm & Rep Legal & Comp Project Customer & Prod
Maximum Loss
Confidentiality 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Integrity 2 2 2 2 1 2 2
Availability 2 3 2 2 1 3 3

BIA Confidential
09:30:42 04/17/2023
# Confidential
# Confidential

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