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Psalm 19

Music by:
Gian Carlo Arsciwals
Transcribed by: Darren L. Bancod Matthew Benedict Cortez

F B♭ B♭ C F B♭ F
3    44
4          
The pre cepts of the Lord give joy to the heart.

7 Dm Gm
  4      
1. The law of the LORD is perfect
2. The precepts of the LORD are right,
3. The fear of the LORD is pure,
4. They are more precious than gold;
       
refre shing the soul;
rejoi cing the heart;
endu ring for ever
than a heap of pu rest gold;
Dm Gm

       
The decree of the LORD is trust worthy,
The command of the LORD is clear,
The ordinances of the LORD are true,
Sweeter also than syrup
13 C C7
       
giving wisdom
to the simple.
enlighte ning the eye;
all of them just.
or honey from the comb.

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