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MEng V- Civ Eng


Assignment 1 : Rainfall data in CAMEROON

 In Cameroon, regarding the hydrology and the differents reseaches that are made in order to
have a better knowledge of the behavior of the climat (precipitations for instance), we have
some principal organisations that we can mention :
- « IRAD » ; Agricultural Research Institute for Development
- « IRD » ; Reseach institute for Development

In order ton have a good data base related to rainfall information in cameroon, some rain gauges
are installed around the countries via different observation stations. This in particular in the SOUTH-
WEST region of the coutry, NORTH-WEST, WEST, SOUTH, and NORTH.

Below some informations about the position of rain gauges an observation stations in Cameroon :

 Those rain gauge stations aloud us to have then infortion related to the precipitation around the
country. This are some examples listed below :
- Precipitation in Cameroon increased to 1680.91 mm in 2021 from 1639.55 mm in 2020.

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