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Hello and good morning to everyone, I am Audrey Michelle anak Jeoffrey and today I’m

going to talk about how I learn Bidayuh language. So, I spent my whole childhood in a town
called Bau since my father works there. I was entering a primary school where majority of
the students are Bidayuh people. It was my first day of primary school, back then I was 7
years old and I was so nervous because I don’t know anyone and all of the students spoke in
the language I don’t know. Then, there was 3 girls approached me and they asked something
in Bidayuh. I don’t have any idea what they talked about so I was assuming they asked
something like “Are you new here?” and after that I just nodded to them. I can hear the girls
giggling at me so I think they asked something else. Since that day, I started to learn their
language and even wrote some vocabularies in my small notebooks. I became fluent at the
age of 9 or 10 and I able to join their conversation as well. Actually, I’m so proud of myself
because I able to master other language besides malay language and English language.

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