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1) Вставте have or has.

1) I ___________ already seen Jack in the swimming pool today.
2) They ___________ already learnt twenty French words.
3) We ___________ already discussed this film.
4) She ___________ never been to Great Britain.
5) We ___________ already collected 200 stickers.
6) He ___________ already been to three European countries.

2) Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова в Present Perfect.

1) They ___________(to go) to the Natural History Museum this week.
2) ________ Mary _________ (to take) her younger brother to the Zoo yet?
3) Sue ___________ (already / to visit) the exhibition in the Art gallery.
4) You ___________ (never / to be) to the theater in this city.
5) Ann ___________ (already / to watch) a documentary film about wild animals
6) We ___________ (not / to be) at the disco this month.
7) I ___________ (not / to see) this film.
8) The dog ___________ (to be) in the garden all day.
9) Mum and Dad ___________ (to do) the shopping.
10) ___________ you ___________ (to buy) a new bag.

3) Перекладіть речення англійською мовою, вживаючи дієслова в

Present Perfect.
1) Вона вже прокинулась.
2) Ти вже пообідав.
3) Мама ще не прийшла додому.
4) Він не зробив уроки.
5) Ти коли-небудь бачив цей фільм?
6)Батько щойно прийшов додому.
7) Він ніколи не говорив правди.

4) Turn the sentences into negative and questions.

1) I have made a cake for my guests.
2) The postman has delivered the letters.
3) My mother has drunk her coffee.
4) My friends have danced at the party.
5) My sister has fed the cats.
6) I have ironed my new dress.
7) They have bought a green car.

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