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Traducción Video Dr.

Gary Samuelsons

That´s quite question and thank you very much amy.

The field of redox signaling is almost as broad as the field of life itself the field of biology.

The field of redox biology course has been a great interest as well as cellular signaling has
been of great interest just because of the broad applications that we have in such fields and so
if I could I give a little overview of what redox signaling is on the atomic level and then we can
discuss maybe some of the science or the new science that has come forward in the last
decade issues.

I have a few slides that I prepared I’m going to share on my screen as many you know most of
the root cause of disease is inflammation is either at the cause of the disease or is a result of
disease whenever we have an allergy asthma diabetes any type of tissue that’s in stress we
also have the accompanying inflammation so you know to understand redux singnaling really
we have to go right to the source what do these cells do when they became damaged or
harmed and this is very common for everybody you know if a foreign object in you or you have
excessive fat sugar or hormonal imbalance if you’re mentally or emotionally stressed you can
feel what they call oxidative stress or inflammation feel and this is manifest by swelling pain
warmth the cells react to the damage and the undergo this process of inflammation now this a
actually a signaling process. The body is signaling something is wrong in that area not only that
buy its putting as were going to be discussing out some signaling molecules called redox
signaling molecules that are helping the body to detect and repair and replace the damage and
calling in the immune system too and that’s very important because almost all problems that
we might face health problems you know cancer for sure injury stroke cerebrovascular
diseases Alzheimer’s diabetes, etc., are all related to inflammation in different areas of our
body and the cellular repair and replacement mechanism so if you get inflammation in your
body what happens often is that it’ll build up reactive oxygen species you know we can talk
about what those are but those area the redox signaling molecules and I’m going to let you
know a little bit you know exactly what they are but here is the here’s the inside of a blood
vessel this is the endothelium and there something happening down here that’s causing
inflammation is ROS its oxidizing the cholesterol its also creating these signaling messages that
are bringing the immune system in here the oxidized cholesterol then is collecting in the
immune cells and causing them to form plaques its also displacing things so and this is a called
atherosclerosis this problem in heart disease so inflammation if it is not dealt with it can be
very bad for us to cause disease problems and redox signaling by the way is there to help to
repair and replace these type of things and you know it used to be that oxidants were bad guys
the antioxidants we ate were the good guys you know and so im going to look at step back out
look at what these redox signaling that molecules actually are so that I can explains some of
the science well the science is that were starting understand exactly how important these
oxidants are in the signaling process in our nervous system there important in the signaling
process in our cardiovascular system in all systems of our body in our lungs everywhere these
redox signaling molecules area very important and then the question is okay well what are
they and actually they’re formed out of salt water its not even some of you may have seen this
before if you take H2O and NACI which is sodium salt NACI and water you can we use and
electro catalytic process on your body in the mitochondria also uses electricality process to be
able to reduce them and oxidize them to reform them into different types of molecules like
hydrogen peroxide and superoxides and hypochlorites and the such now remember these
were the guys that we used to be the bad guys now were starting to understand that the now
are the good guys they area also the thing that star to initiate inflammation in the body and
start to signal that some something is wrong in the body here is the concentrations and
characterizations of the different molecules of ROS you can see that there are quite a few and
over here we see the labs that have done the work and relative concentrations and such of the
different species so in the REDOX signaling molecules and the REDUX signaling science we
study how these molecules interact with the different systems of the body and they do and let
me let me just flip back to the other slide here I might be giving a little bit too much at all at
once there but so what these guys do inside the body is very important you have antioxidants
wich are produced by the cells and oxidants which are produced by the cells and the oxidants
help to detect and repair tissue im going to give you one study that was done by the
regeneration of tadpole tail heres study for you amy you know the question was how does
oxidation affect or what is the effect of oxidation on the regeneration of a tadpole you can cut
the tail off of one of these guys and its regenerated so if I cut the tail of and then look at the
oxidation which is the red and yellows over here you find that you have very high levels of
oxidation as the cells are being regenerated and in and around the areas where you have
damage and have regeneration there’s high levels of oxidation these are the redox signaling
molecules these molecules actually are involved in the regeneration of the tadpole tail and
then when the tail is completely regenerated the oxidation levels go down so the question is
wells is are these oxidants are these signaling molecules actually very important regeneration
of tissue and if they are so then there they are important in the process of healing and
regeneration of tissue in all the natural processes they could have wide applications in medical
science so they put a certain very high very powerful antioxidants in with the tail the severed
tail and the realized that when the tail was severed and the oxidants were taken away
regeneration was not able to complete to be complete so we’ve realized that these REDOX
signaling molecules are reactive oxygen species that I’ve showed you before in the right
combination are responsible for the detection repair regeneration of tissues throughout the
whole body not only in in animal life but in plant life and every other form of life so now the
science of REDOX signaling basically is very universal and spread throughout all forms of life all
over the whole planet and so the research that has been done in the last 10 years is starting to
look at the different ways that these REDOX signaling processes work in our body.

All the question that weve been getting recently over the past week or so from people about
you know how does how do REDOX cycling molecules apply to my specific health challenge I’ve
heard you say before gary that the question is does the health challenge involve living cells and
if so then yes but more specifically peoples primary concerns these days are things like autism
gut and digestion issues stroke art issues or when autoimmune challenges of all kinds we have
I know we have a someone in our family who had a kidney transplant a couple of years and hes
still taking the some suppressant drugs to prevent the kidney that was transplanted from being
rejected and he’s had great he understands about REDOX Signaling a little bit but hes cautious
about wanting to go off all of the medications and similarly for a lot of people with covid and
particularly with long covet there they continue to get some kinds of adverse health impacts
from whatever infection they’ve had before and I know a particular question which has been
coming up the last couple days is around dental health so that’s a large bunch of these sort of
specific issues I know you’ve deal with particularly with autism and really all of these things
before so if you could go into a little bit more specifics for us about the relationship between
the redox signaling molecules and how our body can deal with these specific health

Yes I have been very concerned about autism and diabetes specifically in the sense that those
two diseases or conditions should say the are increasing at an exponential rate and we can
expect to have very serious health issues from those areas but you said that basically what
does redox signaling have to do with all of this right and at the very beginning you said well it
has to do with a damaged cell of some sort so you know what causes diabetes for example and
the answer is well the insulin producing cells inside the pancreas aren’t working there they
have been they have died away they are non-functional they’re damaged and if the body
could then be able to regenerate those cells then they could come back into full function and
that’s a redox signaling process what about the cardiovascular problems that I mentioned
before if the body was able to reduce the oxidative stress inside of you your cardiovascular
system then the body would be able to heal itself and were starting to understand now that
these redox processes have a very wide and broad spectrum of effects in health and let me
share some research with you if I can now I pull these together here’s some of the research
that’s been going on in redox signaling lately here’s a real redux researcher as a dr. helmers
size and is a redux pioneer and hes authored more than five articles that have received more
than a thousand references which is incredible he also has contributed to fundamental
discovery of the physiology of glutathione hes quantified central redux systems for energy
metabolism and then hes published more than 600 articles 134 which are cited at least 100
times in 28 books and then he has a high index of credibility and hes known throughout the
world many other scientists now are viewing these are studying in depth these redox signaling
processes and heres what they theyre finding out theyre finding that well starting to realize
well maybe cancer is a redux disease because cancer basically is when the cell has became so
damaged that it cant even detect the damage any longer or repair or replace itself and the and
only thing that it can do if were unlucky is divine and so the redox signaling system inside the
cell the whole networks is shut down and hopefully by rebooting hat redox signaling network
inside it these cells then the cells will be able to be detected and the normal processes of the
immune system and such will take care of them and destroy them so heres a heres another
one redox chemistry of alzaimers disease in the amyloid b-peptide starting to realize that these
redox signaling molecules or redux chemistry is very important for the disposal of these errant
proteins inside the brain and so that it helps to clear out the errant proteins and to prevent
alzheimers and dementia and other problems that you might have I mean the research is fairly
is very very you know extensive how about reactive oxygen and vascular oxidative stress and
hypertension and were theyre starting to realize that ros is very important for the regulating
vascular health all throughout the whole body a specific balance of these redoxicillin molecules
is required its called a homeostatic balance in order to be able to regulate vascular health
throughout your whole body redox control of health and disease here is beautiful review
article that kind of covers everything’s redox regulation and disease and aging the reason we
age is the cells become damaged and not are able to repair themselves and so the idea is if we
increase redox efficiency redox signaling efficiency we may be able to repair and replace and
regenerate tissue that has become damaged throughout the whole body heres the famous
Watson article that says type 2 diabetes is a redox disease and he goes on to show that
imbalances of reduct signaling molecules can be responsible for not just diabetes but also
dementia cardiovascular disease and the some cancers and then they time and time is going
on you know time over time were starting to realize more and more is involved in this redux
signaling system now for me its not a surprise because having understood how these redox
mechanisms work inside the cells I know that when we increase the efficiency of the these
redox signaling mechanisms the cells have a more have more of a of probability of healing
themselves and that’s incredible you know have you ever seen x men where that guy
wolverine and he heals faster than he can be damaged and that true you know if we have
these redux signaling mechanisms going in our body we can heal the body faster than its been
able to degenerate and become damaged now tell me is that not a great is this not a great
medical technology we also have insulin action is facilitated by reactive oxygen species with a
potential signaling target so were finding out that when the reactive oxygen species is
imbalances in homeostasis in the body insulin also becomes more effective and you need less
of it and so maybe it this doesn’t give you a very detailed view youd have to go through some
of this research and understand you know some of the mechanics in order to detail to you but
I hope it gives you great overview you know will of what type of medical advances we might
expect to see as our understanding of redox signaling advances.

How does this relate to people who are on immunosuppressant? Is not healing a cell which has
been damaged but is suppressing your own immune system how do people get of it or how do
you approach that’s very you know sensitive subject because of course you need your immune
system in order to be able to heal repair and replace almost everything in the body and these
immune suppressants then area important when the immune system is overreacting to certain
agents for example as you mentioned we have a kidney transplant and such you don’t want
the immune system to over react and to the rejection to take place you have allergies or
damage in your body that require that immune system quiet down for a little while you know
the regulation of the immune system is very important and what we what we want to have is
that the cells that are that are damaged and that are under attack those are detected more
readily the redox balance or the redox signaling balance helps the immune system detect the
cells that have been damaged and so it makes the immune system more efficient but not just
more efficient its like giving your emergency responders radios that work very well and maybe
goggles that can see through the smoke you know you get better communications with your
emergency responders and they have less of a chance of mistaking the signals because often
rejection of tissues and such are mistaken signals its saying something that it should be good is
not good and something that is good isn’t is not good or something that bad is good by
clearing up the signals the whole immune system works much more efficiently so in many
cases you even in people that are immunosuppressant’s the redox signaling messengers can
be very effective or are still affected in helping that process does that make sense.

So in this case do you then be taking more of the redux signaling to counter what the
suppressant is doing to the system?

The idea is to be able to just take normal amounts is just to be able to help the immune system
out a little bit in being able to communicate more effectively the bad signals right so just
continue the amount is a very touchy thing as probably can understand but this is a science so
you can actually start with smaller amounts and see how it reacts very small amounts if you
wish see how your body reacts and then built it up and generally then if you if you do that in
fact ive never seen any problems with people who have been careful and then built up realty
amounts up over time.

Have you had cases of people getting off this kind of medications all the time yes the body
heals itself you no longer need the medications there is a there is a philosophy in medicine
that I would like to address at this point many people say when you have damage is cannot be
healed when you have diabetes it you cant you cant get out of it when you have theres
different onditions heart conditions your body cant itself if you have dementia or you have
brain issues or even autism so your body cannot heal itself there can be nothing more wrong
or erroneous than this felling your body is built to heal itself when its given the correct things
your body can indeed heal itself your brain can heal itself your heart your cardiovascular
system can heal itself it requires that the cells that are damaged are detected and either
destroyed or repaired and replaced throughout your whole system and so you know please
don’t be ever dissuaded by someone that says im sorry youre going to have this for life you can
indeed try try try to get your body to heal itself by giving it the things that it needs and that’s
the most important thing above all I say this actually from a perspective of someone whos
seen thousands and thousands of people with very serious conditions thousands being able to
recover full health and they’d go to their doctors and their doctors would say well that’s really
wonderful they didn’t ask what they do they said whatever youre doing just keep on doing it
and stuff you know a medical science actually is a little bit behind in that.

It Gary that’s wonderful and it addresses a lot of questions I think I know theres also particular
interest in what this does on for the brain health and the mental side both things like autism
and just the anxiety there be seems to a higher state of mental anxiety and a lot of people
these days so as similar processes im sure could yo be a little bit more specific about what
you’ve seen with that well yeah what causes brain damage what do you think details brain
cells that are injured right inflammation in the brain its called neural inflammation in autistic
kids there has been something triggered in the brain which causes chronic neuroinflammation
its very painful and you know these when they have an episode and their brains are becoming
inflamed they actually hit their head against something to try to relieve the pain
neuroinflammation happens when the glial cells and the mast cells have an imbalance there
theres a redox imbalance actually and theyre sending signals to another and they go into a

Of inflammation that is difficult to stop this is true also hen for any type of brain injury by the
way for dementia or whatever neuroinflammation normally is the brans way of saying theres
something wrong here we need to fix it and this is where redox signaling come in when redox
signaling starts to become active in there it activates the antioxidants it takes away some of
oxidation stress that’s in the brain and allows the brain to realize where the damage is the
brain cells because it’s the same story over and over again.

Dr. Gary:

The brain stills realize where the damage is they go in they fix the damage they undo the
oxidation or get rid of the oxidants and the brain is able to undergo its natural regenerative
effect or its neuroplastic too so they can start to from new connections and relations and make
up for the brain damage that has already taken place no and you know this is a slow process
it’s a little bit slower with the neurons because the neurons do not regenerate as fast as the
soft tissue of the lungs the heart the kidney liver etc.


You know aside all the published literature peer- reviewed scientific literature there are a
number of popular books coming out I think you may have seen this one disease redox
imbalance and its written by a fellow named Michael sharer who I believe is not biochemist or
even a researcher himself but he and gone through a lot of literature and he came to the
conclusion simply that as you were suggesting earlier that disease is caused by inflammation
and inflammations is caused by stress but and I want to come back to that point but he says
one other thing which I hear all the time from people when were talking about redox signaling
molecules and they he asked the question you know how can it be that scientists already
broadly recognize that oxidative stress and redox imbalance play a leading role in cancer heart
disease diabetes aging depression dementia and virtually every other disease in humans
animals and even plants but my doctor has never mentioned anything about it. So if you could
address that a little bit as well if you agree that its really that simple that theres just there
really is one kind of unifying disease that we have to deal with and its caused by stress which
leads to inflammation.

Dr. Gary:

All right well what have weve been saying right now that inflammation is a signaling process it
creates oxidative stress and oxidants inside the cells whose job is to stimulate repair and
replacement of cells so wherever there is you know it whether it be cancer or any type of
element that you mentioned there is inflammation so you know even in that book I think he
had it a little bit backwards you know he still is not quite grasping that inflammation is not a
bad thing that as long as it leads to it leads to healing repair and replacement of cells it’s a
good thing and ive said my blog is pain bad is oxidative stress causes pain and the answer is
well it depends if it is the body is not able to correct it itself then this chronic pain can be bad
but the pain itself is an indicator that something is wrong in the body so is the oxidative stress
and this stimulates the genes that are necessary to repair and replace the tissue that has been
damaged that really kind of where were going here if we were to really to leverage all that we
know in science now I think were about 15 years behind maybe 20. Years behind in our
medical practice versus our scientific knowledge of how we can deal with disease and with
problems the health pro all sorts of health problems and the reason is being is that the
development cycles are very inefficient it takes billion dollars to develop the medications that’s
accepted you know and such and the price tag is very heavy it takes a long time to patent and
find substances that are that are patentable the redox signaling molecules are not patentable
so cant make medications out of them you know and who would spend a billion dollars for
example even on a technology that works if they weren’t able to get a return and so you know
they’ve become it becomes a very difficult problem now I have great faith that the medical
system actually just like the IT system and all technologies that weve seen explode will start to
take on the idea that what works really wins and then well start to get research and redux
signaling well start to get research and still some stem cell technologies because I got research
in you know how to reverse autism how to do all of these things and that is that is very exciting
to me in fact I hope I live to see it I hope I live to see the time when we can go in and people
will be competing to find the cure or to resolve health problems and that would be that would
be a wonderful time.

I kind of stopped when I was talking about oxidants and antioxidants and these oxidants over
here that are produced by the body are hydrogen peroxide super superoxide hypoclorites and
oxygen free radicals how does in the world does that relate to salt water okey so there was
one there is one question in there what in the world relates to someone inside of all of our
cells and all of or cells and all of our body we have salt water and these reduction in oxidation
processes turn the salt water into this reactive oxygen species it oxidizes and reduces the salt
water it changes their form so they become hydrogen peroxide superoxides hypochlorities and
oxygen free radicals that transformation that we do inside the laboratory is done in catalytic in
electrocatalytic reactor that takes the salt water and then turns it into the same substances
that are produced by our mitochondria and these this is our mitochondria basically that is
producing the these oxidants and theyre also producing electron donors which is nadph and
such that together with the antioxidants eliminate the oxidants so you see that this cell is in
homeostatic balance when the cell is damaged then the mitochondria starts to build up more
of these oxidants its like building up the smoke inside a fire that has is not burning correctly
youre up mitochondria by the way is your energy producing or organelle its not producing
energy correctly it produces smoke free radicals oxidants and such and this is called oxidative
stress this is what causes swelling and what causes inflammation what starts the signaling
process to say something is wrong here and that process then is what matters now what helps
the cell to repair it and replace itself now I have a bunch of stuff here lets see we can go back I
believe here and ill give you an example of how this works. So in this picture we are seeing
living cells and on this side they’ve been damaged by oxygens well I mean by x rays im sorry
and the oxidants are building up and you can see this because green is the indicator now of
oxidative stress so in here theyre redox signaling molecules well the signaling molecules
instead of being bad actually theyre good because theyre the molecules that allow the
inmmune system to react inmmune system gun comes in and also uses the same oxidants to
kill the bacteria the viruses everything by normal cellular division now these oxidants that
were looking at in green theyre not salt water and nor are as the compounds that ive built
made in the laboratory that its not salt water they are actually these oxidants redox signaling
compounds in such a combination and balance that they are signaling the body to help repair
and replace itself more efficiently.

What we can do is give our body the best chance of healing itself and redox by the way
signaling molecules are not the only things that can that can helps us to heal for the body to
heal itself often the therapies the very therapies that we use to try to destroy the cancer also
destroy the immune system which helps to detect repair and replace and destroy the cancer
itself and it weakens the body and in fact if you if the body becomes too weak then we have to
be careful when redox signaling starts to take place it cleans house it helps our body clean
house and I wanted to mention this because now were moving on to other areas that we need
to be concerned about when the body starts to clean house what does it do what do you do
you take all of the garbage and you throw it out in the street you know so things become
worse before they become better now while the body is cleaning house its opening up these
also these redox channels and the detoxification channels in the body and there heres a
protein there called a drug resistant protein and drug resistant protein is there because
basically it resists it throws out the drugs so the body tries to detox itself from drugs and then
pharmacist the pharmacy industry doesn’t like that like they have to get past these drug
resistant or multi drug resistant proteins and so you know actually redux activates these and
helps the to pull out the toxins and the garbage which is usually a very good things unless your
kidneys are not work also hydrate ng your digestive system is not working you have what they
call leaky gut and the body or and also on flamed intestines so what do we need to do we
actually need to heal the gut first also hydrate the body because it requires a lot of water
through our cardiovascular system to pull the garbage out of our tissues and get them and get
released it also makes us a little bit sicks for people that have large scale damage in their body
they start to take the redox and they feel flu like symptoms they feel weak that’s because their
immune system and all the other systems are kicking in theyre cleaning house it takes energy
to clean house and so there needed when we started understanding these things we realized
that in order to be able to gain optimal health sometimes we need a coach and coach is a
person not only that has the knowledge that can teach us why you know and but we also can
kind of take us by the hand I mean how many how many of us know that we should exercise
and then the question is you know how many of us do exercise tape and if we know its so good
for us and we know that it can actually help to give optimal health why don’t we do it and its
again that’s a question so I realized that actually the coaching the choices that we have to
make are more very important theyre most important part so if we have a coach on team you
know that the coach will help us to realize what we need to do in order to become our best
self and then we are responsible to put that into action and to do that in order to become our
best self and so I realized that you know some very simple laws by the way that are known lets
see are actually responsible for about 80 percent of the health problems that we have im
having a hard time getting this up here there you go and these are the these are the principles
theyre I call them the five laws of physical health and basically theyre the things that the cells
require the cells water what kind of water we actually they need electrolytic water in certain
types of water that are easily absorbed I call it natural water because it’s the water that’s in
the streams and the rivers newton nutrition vital nutrients you know where do we find those
exercise I mentioned before sleep and respiration now these things are actually the laws of
physical health and if we don’t do these things nothing else really works because the cells
don’t have the materials and supplies that they need in order to in order to become are in
order to works actually so let me let me go back down and you know dehydration in united
states because we eat a lot of pizza and bread and medications laxative steroids and such it
pulls the water out of our body and makes us slightly dehydrated im talking slightly only about
two percent nearly 75 percent of everybody in the united states its estimated is suffering from
dehydration if you have even slight dehydration you have 22 percent more chance of a heart
attack you have the chance of alzheimers diabetes acid reflux arthritis constipation moodiness
also when you take your redox you youre not you don’t have enough flow of the fluids in your
body to get the to get the toxins out they get to get the organs moving you gain weight you
become depressed you get headaches bad moods you know and all of this and you even can
feel hungry and really all you really need to do is hydrate yourself so I put a I put a pinch of salt
and some lemon juice in this water to make it electrolytic water and then drink at least two
liters of it a day and so skin problems cramps stiffness high blood pressure you know
inflexibility in your joints pain and all of these things actually can be caused by lack of water
you know what kind of what kind of technology are we talking about it’s the most fundamental
technology of life you know when we become sick they stick an IV inside of us and inject salt
water in this electrolytic water into it and it helps greatly so anyway also nutrition now how
many is how many of us know what we should eat do we know what the perfect diet is yeah
here we go again and now you got going so im sorry I say these things because I know and
truly in the science has shown that truly if we are able to supply our body with the
micronutrients that we need and there are only about 40 of them 40 micronutrients on the
molecular level that are in our foods if we supply our body with these 40 micronutrients then
they will be well you don’t need to know what they are you know I listed a few of them here
beta carotene lycopene vitamins folates etc but what you do need to know is that theyre
found in living plants and foods and the different colors of the foods indicate the type of
micronutrients that are there in your last meal what was the color on your plate was it mostly
white and brown which are your proteins and carbs or did you have red yellow purple orange
you know green and so what was you know these things bruce ames a fomous nutritional giant
said this he has been studying nutritional deficiencies among people and here is a list of the 40
essential micronutrients Bruce ames will actually go down one by one on these things and tell
you what a deficiency what will happen if youre deficient in any one of these some of these
like choline will cause permanent damage in your body that he has he has what they call a
triage theory and this is how the body reacts to micronutrient deficiencies and theyre not
enough micronutrients in the body believes that it is starving to death literally because it cant
get enough supplies in order to give the cells what the need this hunger status activates the
preservation mechanisms it makes you hungry too so you eat more carbs you eat more you
know the proteins and amino acids and you don’t eat the salads and the greens yellows
oranges purples etc you get fat yeah your body starts to switch from modes that will help you
to preserve your health to disregard a healthy future and it switches over to starvation mode
basically it converts the sugars into fats it does a lot things that it has to do because it feels like
were starving to death were not really starving to death we just don’t have enough
micronutrients there how you get out of that is simply to eat the micronutrients that you need
have a half a plate of salad and learn how to make them so that theyre very delicious so what
happens when you do a half a plate of salad is that not only do you get the micronutrients that
your body needs the vitamins a b c d and all of the vitamins and minerals that you needs as
well as you know like DHA and other such micronutrients in there not only do you get that but
that your body starts to realize hey I am in a healthy abundant state and then your body will
start to repair your cardiovascular system itll start to start these repair and replacement a
processes that is kind of put off for a while because it was in emergency mode and you start
feeling great in fact when I started doing this I actually craved vegetables you know when I got
hungry id go out and id get some raw salads and I started eating the raw salads and it wasn’t
that you I was torturing myself I said I really enjoy this and that my nuts and everything else I
really enjoyed it and along with the technologies that I know we just supply the cells with the
basics and that is so I have seen more ive actually seen more results through coaching one on
one heart to heart coaching in improving health then I have actually I just developing
technologies and I don’t know if you know me but that’s what drives me I want to be able to
do things that help people again theyre optimal health and reduce suffering in the world so
you know this is why I did this


and I think that’s also the answer gary you know I think you’ve just given everyone a good
taste of what your cellular health coaching is all about and having gone through the essentials
course myself a couple of years ago I strongly recommend it to everyone were really kind of at
the end of this hour and I think everyone both appreciates and has a sense of a better sense
now of what you’ve been doing and how this all relates to our own health and where we can
go in the future but could you just maybe give us sort of the access whats the best way for
people to learn more about your cellular health coaching and to your bli g and how people can
keep up with you going

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