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One afternoon of a Thursday the dog named bolt was sleeping on the backyard when

suddenly he heard another dog voice which was surprising because on the three years he
had lived on the forest he never saw another dog so he escaped and after hours of
searching he found de dog in the top of the mountain then he asked him what was he doing
the dog told him that he got lost in the forest and he never found his owner again then bolt
got worried and realized that he also got lost and he was very sad until he heard a car noise
and he wake up and he was really happy to be in the pink flowers house with his owner that
was a little boy.

One afternoon of a Thursday the dog named bolt was napping on the backyard when
suddenly he witnessed another dog sound which was unpredictable because on the three
years he had lived on the forest he never saw another dog so he escaped and after hours of
seeking he found de dog in the top of the mountain then he inquire him what was he doing
the dog told him that he got disoriented in the forest and he never found his owner again
then bolt got anxious and realized that he also got lost and he was cheerless until he heard
a car turbulence and he wake up and he was really joyful to be in the pink flowers house
with his owner that was a little boy.

One afternoon of a Thursday the dog named bolt was wakeful on the backyard when
suddenly he ignored another dog unsound which was predictable because on the three
years he had lived on the forest he never saw another dog so he escaped and after hours of
finding he found de dog in the top of the mountain then he answer him what was he doing
the dog told him that he got oriented in the forest and he never found his owner again then
bolt got calm and realized that he also got lost and he was cheerful until he heard a car
turbulence and he wake up and he was really sad to be in the pink flowers house with his
owner that was a little boy.

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