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The old lady

Once upon a time, in a beautiful noisy __city____ .

There was an old sweet lady_______ walking very
slowly towards the bank_______.

Whenever she______ went to the bank______, she

was always looking ________forward. So, she arrived
and opened the door with all her strength.

When she was already inside she literally

scream_______ and went to the closest bank_______
_________teller and asked to take some money out.
Then she put all that money in her _______purse and
walked outside.

As she was walking a robber________ came and tried

to steal her purse and when he was going to take the
money_______ out, the old lady hit him hard with her
bag. He did not have an option other than just
to______run away ______. As long as the police did
not arrive. But the lady was screaming and a
cop_________ came and caught him. Consequently,
they took the robber to jail______. The policeman said:
"you will be in jail, until you learn your lesson."Shame
the robber did not know she was a _______super
Grany .

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