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Group 6:
Chicken ( - slaughtered at seven to nine weeks of age)

Chicken is the most common type of poultry in the world. Owing to the
relative ease and low cost of raising chickens—in comparison to mammals
such as cattle or hogs—chicken meat and chicken eggs have become
prevalent in numerous cuisines. The country that consumes the greatest
amount of chicken is the United States. Every year, the United States
consumes approximately 15,000 metric tons of chicken, placing it
significantly in front of the second-place region. The United States adds
chicken to just about everything.

Chicken Dish - Mama's Puerto Rican

Duck (-slaughtered at seven to eight weeks of age)
Duck is eaten in many cuisines around the world. It is a high-
fat, high-protein meat rich in iron. Duckling nominally comes
from a juvenile animal, but may be simply a menu name.
Based on a comparison of 72 countries in 2021, China ranked
the highest in duck meat production with 4,823,000 tonnes
followed by Vietnam and France

Duck Dish - Duck with cherries

and wine vinegar
Turkey (-slaughter at 14 to 16 weeks old)

it is traditionally consumed as part of culturally significant

events such as Thanksgiving and Christmas respectively, as
well as in standard cuisine. The country that consumes the
most turkey per year, per capita: Israel.

Turkey Dish - Spiced and Glazed roasted turkey

Goose (- slaughtered at 8-9 weeks of age)
A traditional alternative to a Christmas turkey, goose is packed with flavour,
with rich, densely-textured meat. Although it has a high fat content, most
of this is under the skin, rather than in the meat, which means that, during
cooking, it melts and bastes the breast, keeping it juicy. China remains the
largest goose meat consuming country worldwide, accounting for 76% of
total consumption..

Goose - Roasted goose breast with cherry

sauce and potato mash/savoy
Quail (-slaughtered by around 5 weeks old)
Quails are easy to keep in captivity, easy to cook, and have
tender, flavorful flesh. Their taste is similar to, although
more assertive than, chicken, and even their small, tender
bones can be eaten. The common quail is also part of Polish
cuisine, Maltese cuisine, Portuguese cuisine, Italian cuisine,
Mexican cuisine, and Indian cuisine.

Quil-asian style roasted quail

Pigeon (-they are roughly a month old before slaughtered)

Squab, or young pigeon, is often considered a delicacy and is served in

fine dining restaurants. While there are more than 300 species of pigeons,
only around five or six species from a category known as utility pigeons
are raised for meat. Squab can be prepared similarly to other poultry by
roasting, pan-frying, or braising. squab would serve as a culinary staple in
Italy, including in Umbrian and Tuscan cuisine since before the Medieval

Pigeon - Pan-fried wood pigeon breast

Guinea Fowl (-slaughtered between 16 and 24 weeks of age)
The meat of young guineas is tender and tastes like that of wild game.
The meat is lean and rich in essential amino acids. In recent years there
has been a steady increase in the number of young farmers who have
ventured into guinea fowl growing in Botswana. Throughout the arid,
desert country their number is estimated at about 580. The rise in this
type of poultry has been predominantly noted in rural areas where
most of the peasant and small-scale livestock farmers live.

Guinea Fowl Dish - Guinea Fowl casserole with parsnip and pear
Wild Duck (- salughtered anywhere from 7 weeks to 6 month)
Mallard meat has a coarse texture and a slightly gamey taste. But if they
are domestically raised, these ducks won’t have the gamey taste as
their cousins in the wild. China (5.5M tonnes) remains the largest duck
and goose meat consuming country worldwide, accounting for 76% of
total consumption

Wild duck with colcannon

Pheasant (-slaughtered at 14, 16, and 18 weeks of age.)
Pheasant flesh has been described as tender, sublime and
highly flavoured. It has something of the flavour of both poultry
and venison.. Pheasant hunting is very popular in much of the
US, especially in the Great Plains states, where a mix of
farmland and native grasslands provides ideal habitat.

Roast pheasant with grapes and sweetheart cabbage

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