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Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE 2)

Learning Unit 6
A. Directions: Using the PECs checklist, assess yourself by putting a check
mark in either strengths or development areas column. Interpret the
results by counting the total number of check marks in each of the
columns. After accomplishing the checklist, share your insights on the
result of the personal assessment.
Table 1: PECs Checklist

Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) of Personal Assessment in terms of:

an Entrepreneur
Strengths Development Areas

Hardworking - Works diligently ✅

Confident - Self-reliance in one’s ability ✅

Disciplined - Always stick to the plan ✅

Committed - Solid dedication ✅

Ability to accept changes - Adaptable ✅

Creative - Innovative to have edge over other ✅

Profit-oriented - Always looking for an ✅
opportunity to have/earn income
Excellent planner - Strategic thinking and setting ✅
of goals
Possess people skill - Effective and efficient ✅
communication skills and relates well to people
Sound decision maker - Makes wise decisions ✅
towards the set objectives

B. Interpretation or Insight

While assessing myself using the PECs checklist, I can think of

experiences to prove that I have the particular competency. After I
completed that checklist, I remembered my dream when I was in high school.
That dream was influenced by one of my teachers during that time. He said,
"Nobody can get rich if you just want to be a teacher, but if you are a teacher
who is an entrepreneur, it is possible for you to become rich."

After all, I don't have all the mentioned Personal Entrepreneurial

Competencies, but I am happy because there are 8 strengths among the 10
competencies. At the moment, it is not in my mind to be the richest of all, but
my plan is to be “better than today” in life, not to prove to people who
despise the status in life of our family, but to prove to myself that I can.

The checklist really gave hope.

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