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Matthew Canaris

1945 Discovery Falls Drive, Chula Vista, CA 91915 -

Seeking an opportunity to learn new skills in the field of animal care or getting the experience to
work/build with my hands. Skills I would like to further develop include woodworking, repair work,
and large animal practice such as emergency First-Aid.

I have been working with horses for the past 7-8 years and over time I have learned a lot about large
animal practice. While there is much more to learn I can care and tend to an animal for basic
injuries. I am also certified for basic equine health and emergency First-Aid.

High Tech High Chula Vista - Anticipated
● Collaboration and Teamwork Graduation June 2024
● Interpersonal Communication HTHCV is a project-based school that
● Horse Riding & Horse Care: 8 Years places an emphasis on collaboration,
● Certified in Basic Equine Health Care real-world applications, and equity.

Biology Pop-Up Museum ⋅ HTHCV ⋅ December 2022
● Select a bacteria to study and create a video for a community exhibition
● Researched the properties of Deinococcus Radiodurans
● Storyboarded, made drawing drafts, and help create the video voiceover
● Showcased video to over 300 parents, students, and community members

Humanities Podcast ⋅ HTHCV ⋅ December 2022

● Helped by recording
● Found sound effects for background
● finding a partner that I would work well with topic for our podcast
● We looked for common interest
● our task was to create a podcast that informed the public about our topic, mine was about the
vietnam war


Emily Ruocco, Trainer, Mount Miguel Equestrian Center

(619) 733-9662

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