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One of the messages in this movie for this generation is

forgiveness. Though some people commit many sins in their
life, they can still be forgiven, given another chance, and let go
of negative thoughts. This can lead to more respect and
cooperation with others.The scene that struck me is when the
crowd decided to release Barabbas instead of Jesus. It clearly
shows how easily people can change their minds for their
wants or values and beliefs. For me, my favorite character in
the movie is Jesus Christ because through his suffering, he
teaches us how to forgive others even though they cause us so
much pain. He shows us that we can still forgive them and give
them another chance. He also sacrificed himself to erase our
sins..The most powerful scene in the movie for me is when
Jesus is being tortured and all of the bad things start to
happen, including an earthquake. The character that I hate the
most or that makes me angry is Judas. He was a close friend
and follower of Jesus, but he betrayed him for a few pieces of
silver. Judas not only betrayed Jesus by accepting the
payment but also led the authorities to him, resulting in his
arrest..If I were able to change one scenario from what
happened to Jesus Christ, it would be to remove the pain that
he had to endure during his time.After all the things he did for
me and for humanity, it is unacceptable that he had to suffer in
such a brutal way..My personal reflection on the mission of
Jesus Christ is that he taught us about compassion and
sacrifice through his own actions during his time on earth. He
teach forgiveness and love, and encouraged us to follow in his
footsteps by showing kindness and mercy to others.

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