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What the Pandemic made me realize that changed me to become a better person

Purpose: To inform

Thesis statement: We should always be wise and be more aware of our surroundings and
even in the people around us so we can live peacefully in the world.

Have you ever been attached to people who do not even value your presence? How
about being close or connected to people who cannot see your worth, capabilities, and
strength? If someone is going to ask me these specific questions, I will eventually say yes,
because I have been there and I already experienced these things. Luckily, pandemic
happened and it made me realized that I have to know my worth and be wise in choosing
the people that I am going to deal with. We should always be wise and be more aware of
our surroundings and even in the people around us so we can live peacefully in the world.

Connection and distance, these are two things that are opposite to each other and
these are also the things that I value in my life. Many may say that it is quite unusual for
someone to value these two the most; however it does have a significant effect and in my
life. I personally value the connection that I have with the people around me, I always ask
for their validation and the communication that I have with them is indeed very important
for me. Not until Covid19 pandemic actually happened that it helped me realized that I
have to distant myself to those cannot see my strength and capabilities, as they can only see
me as a weakling with no chance to succeed and what they only see is that I am weak that
they can always belittle. I was able to realize that I should not live in this lifetime seeking
only for their support and validation, because there is more to life and it’s not just about
them; it is always and will always be about me. People actually see the pandemic as a threat
and a problem but little did they know that it gave us various takeaways that are helpful
and indeed useful.

To sum it up, life is not just about what or how other people sees us, but is also
about how we are going to show them that we are more than what they think of us, and I
can say that we should and have to be always aware to the people we deal with as the key
to a peaceful and happy life is being with people who sees your worth, appreciates your
capabilities, and knows your strength, wishing us to fully win in life and be better as always
in all ways.

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