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Q. 48. P. 3516.

One half of the square cross-section ring seen

in the figure is made of aluminium and the other of copper.
The inner radius of the ring is 8 cm and the outer is 10 cm. It
is in a homogeneous magnetic field perpendicular to its
plane, where the magnetic induction is 0.1 T. How much
electric charge accumulates at the joints if the magnetic
induction is linearly decreased to zero within 2 seconds? (6
Q. 65

P. 3646. A homogeneous bar of mass M waggles (rotates

uniformly in alternating directions) to and from around the
axis going through its center, while a ball of mass m
bounces between the ends of the bar as shown in the figure.
The angular velocity of the bar is 2 /3 s-1 and the period
of the movement of the ball is 1 second. (The mechanical
loss and the duration of the collisions are negligible.)
a) What is the velocity of the ball at the highest point of its
orbit? b) How long is the bar? c) What is the m/M ratio? (5

Q. 66.

P. 3670. On a tabletop of some friction a table-tennis ball rolls

clearly toward a perfectly smooth wall perpendicularly to the
plane of the wall. Can it happen that the ball collides with the
wall exactly two times? (Collisions happen in no time and they
are not perfectly elastic.)

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