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Accuracy: (TP+TN) / (TP+TN+FP+FN)

Precision = TP / (TP+FP)

Accuracy can be obtained as the ratio of the set of training instances that are correctly identified to
the total instances in the student – mat dataset.

Precision shows the ratio of detections that are correctly identified to the total exposures the
selected model builds.


Heart dataset: EDA – Mean, median, mode , scatterplot, correlation – which features have a higher
association, normalization, label encoding for dummies, look out for outliers, which algorithm to use.

Exploratory Data analysis:

Feature Engineering:

Á. Transformation of standard scaling

B. Handling missing/null values

C. Removing Outliers

d. Encoding categorical data

Feature selection and Reduction (Dimensionality reduction)

A. Correlation Coefficient

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