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Tom Robinson's final moments


Tom Robinson, defendant

Atticus Finch, defense attorney

Sheriff Heck Tate


Tom Robinson is sitting in his cell.

ATTICUS: Tom, I'm sorry, but the verdict didn't go in our favor. They found you guilty.

TOM: (sighing) I figured as much.

ATTICUS: I'm going to appeal, Tom. We'll keep fighting for your freedom.

TOM: Thank you, Mr. Finch. But I don't think there's any use. You've done all you could.

SHERIFF TATE: (to Atticus) It's time, Atticus.

Atticus nods and follows Sheriff Tate out of the cell.

TOM: (following them with his eyes) Mr. Finch, thank you for defending me. You're a good man.

ATTICUS: (tearfully) You're a better man than most, Tom. Don't forget that.

Sheriff Tate leads Tom out of the cell and towards the exit.

TOM: (to Sheriff Tate) I appreciate you being kind to me, Sheriff. Thank you.

SHERIFF TATE: (sadly) It's not me you need to thank, Tom.

Tom exits the jail and is shot while trying to escape

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