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ENG114 Homework

Valdez, Jim Charles V.

Reaction Paper on History 101 (Netflix)
Topic: The Rise of China
• What are your insights on the topic?
1. The meteoric rise of China from a struggling third-world country with
widespread famine to a global economic powerhouse set to overtake the
US is astounding. The approaches used by Communist China are morally
questionable, but the success of these methods is undeniable in terms of
the rise of their economy. Over the course of 50 years, China’s economy
has become one of the largest in the world thanks to well-planned projects,
timely investments, and its large hardworking population. Though one
important point to mention is that Communist China’s suppression and
exploitation of its people plays a massive part in the rise of the country. With
the state ruling and governing China, only one political party holds effective
power, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). With this one-party state, no
one can oppose the reforms and policies that are put in place, and if there
is any opposition, the Chinese government is willing to go to any extent to
suppress uprisings and oppress the people, even if it results in a massacre.
• What are the pieces of evidence or references from the video that helped you
better understand the topic?
2. The video uses various statistics, visual aids, data, and facts for the
audience to better understand the points made. An example is the use of a
chart to depict the growth of China’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product) from
1960 to the present day, this is used to reflect China’s economic rise.

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