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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Magapit, Lal-lo, Cagayan


Science 10
Name:__________________________________ Section: _____________ Score:____________
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space provided.
___1. Which pituitary gland disorder occurs when the insulin producing cell of the pancreas is
A. Hypoglycemia B. Osteropoerosis C. Diabetes D. Thyroid Cancer
___2. The uterus _________________?
A. is connected to both the oviducts and the vagina
B. is not an endocrine gland
C. contributes to the development of the placenta
D. All of these are correct
___3.Pregnancy begins ___________________?
A. when an egg is fertilized C. upon successful implantation
B. when ovulation occurs D. during the follicular phase
___4.Which male organ produce millions of tiny sperm cells?
A. Testes B. Epididymis C. Vas Deferens D. Urethra
___5. Which pituitary gland disorder is caused by a non-cancerous tumor of the pituitary gland ?
A. Gigantism B. Goiter C. acromegaly D. gynecomastia
___6. Which of the following looks like a sac or pouch which encloses the testes?
A. scrotum B. epididymis C. vas deferens D. penis
___7.Which of the following causes the uterine lining to thicken?
A. estrogen B. FSH C.ovaries D.progesterone
___8.Which of the following gland controls and starts the menstrual cycle?
B. parathyroid B. pituitary C.ovaries D. vagina
___9. The vas deferens ________________.
A. becomes erect C. it becomes heavier as it cools
B. carries sperm D.All of these are correct.
___10.Which hormones in the female and male reproductive system stimulates ovulation,
maturation of egg and progesterone production in females; sperm and testosterone production
in males?
A. Testosterone C. LH and FSH
B. Pituitary D. Prolactin
___11. The anterior pituitary stimulates what gland in the human body?
A. thyroid B. adrenal cortex C. adrenal medulla D. pancreas
___12. Goiter is caused by ____________________.
A. too much salt in the diet C. adrenal medulla
B. too little iodine in the diet D. pancreas
___13. This serves as the main processing center for the entire nervous system.
A. Peripheral Nervous System C. Autonomic Nervous System
B. Central Nervous System D. Somatic Nervous System.
___14.Which of the following is INCORRECTLY grouped?
A. (Central nervous system-Brain-Spinal cord)
B. (Peripheral nervous system-Somatic Nervous system-Autonomic nervous system)
C. (Somatic Nervous System-Spinal cord-Cranial Nerves)
D. (Autonomic Nervous System-Sympathetic-Parasympathetic)
___15.It is activated when the body is in dynamic role or stress.
A. Sympathetic B. Parasympathetic C. Cranial Nerves D. Spinal nerves
___16. Which of the following best explains why a message moving along nerve pathways takes time?
A. Neurons do not have enough dendrites.
B. There is a systematic process in sending the message from receptor to the effector.
C. There is weak electrochemical signal moving between neurons.
D. The nerve impulse can not jump from one neuron to another.
For items 17 – 19, identify what is being described in each situation. Use the choices below.

A. Stimulus B. Response C. Receptor D. Reaction Time

___20. You accidentally cut your palm while you are sharpening a knife.
___21. It takes a couple of minutes for you to do statement #17 after statement # 15.
___22. You wash your hand/palm with soap and water then put a bandage.
For items 23 - 26, identify what is being described in each sentence. Use the choices below.

A. Pituitary B. Parathyroid C. Thyroid D. Thymus

___23. Stimulates growth, and controls the functions of other glands.
___24. Enables the body to produce certain antibodies.
___25. Regulates body metabolism, and causes storage of calcium in bones.
___26. Controls the calcium levels in your body, and normalizes bone growth.
For items 27-30, identify what is being described in each sentence. Use the choices below.

A. Adrenal B. Testis C. Pancreas D. Ovaries

___27. Regulates blood sugar levels.

___28. Prepares the body for action, and controls the heart rate and breathing in times of emergency.
___29. Influence female traits and support reproductive function.
___30. Controls maturation and male characteristics.
For items 31 – 33 : The following is the base sequence on one strand of a DNA molecule.
___31. If this strand is replicated, which of the following is the complementary strand that is
A. T C G T C C G T C T A G C. T T A C G G T C A C C A
B. A G C A G G C A G G G T D. U C G U C C U C U A G A
___32. If transcribed into an mRNA, what would be the resulting strand?
A. U U A C G G U C A C C A C. A G C A G G C A G A U C
B. A G C A G G A G A T C D. T C G T C C G T C T A G
___33. During translation, the tRNA sequence of nucleotides arranged linearly is _______.
A. T C G T C C G T C T A G C. A G C A G G C A G A U C
B. A A U G C C A G U G G U D. U C G U C C G U C U A G
___34. All of the following are true of RNA except _______________.
A. RNA can leave the nucleus.
B. RNA contains Uracil in place of Thymine.
C. RNA is a single strand.
D.RNA and DNA have the same 5-C sugar..
___35. If the sequence of bases along one side of a DNA molecule is AAGCT, the complementary
sequence of bases on the other side of the DNA molecule is___________________.
___36. What do you call the three nitrogenous bases on a strand of tRNA?
A. Codon B. Anticodon C. Code D. Genes
___37. mRNA is formed from DNA. This process is called _______________.
A. duplication B. transcription C. replication D. translation
___38. Which of these is not a valid comparison between DNA and RNA?
A. Double helix single stranded
B. Replicates duplicates
C. Deoxyribose ribose
D.Thymine uracil
___39. A type of mRNA that brings information from the DNA to the cytoplasm.
A. mRNA B. rRNA C. tRNA D. None of these.
___40. The process of copying DNA sequence into RNA pattern is called ________________.
A. translation B. transcription C. Replication D.Reproduction
___41. What kind chromosomal mutation occurs when a piece of chromosome breaks off and attaches to
another chromosome?
A. inversion B. deletion C. insertion D.translocation
___42. How many chromosomes are involved in inversion mutation?
A. 1 B.1/2 C. 2 D.4
___43. Which chromosomal mutation refers to the loss of a segment of DNA or chromosome?
A. inversion B. deletion C. insertion D.translocation
___44. Why does DNA replicate?
A. To produce a copy of the genetic material that will be transferred to new cells
B. To start the central dogma
C. For transcription process to proceed
D. All of the above
___45.How does the genetic code get out of the nucleus?
A. By DNA Replication
B. By the conversion of RNA to mRNA
C. By translating codons to proteins
D. By tRNA supplying the ribosome with amino acids

II. Arrange the following steps in protein synthesis from first to last (1-11).
___A. RNAbecomes mRNA after Transcription
___B. tRNA – amino acid units link to mRNA
___C. Amino acid separate from tRNA
___D. Polypeptide chain assembled
___E. mRNA links to ribosome
___F. Stop codon encountered in mRNA
___G. DNA Polymerase binds the nucleotides
___H. Helikase initiates duplication of DNA
___I. enzyme RNA polymerase opens the DNA
___J. Free nucleotides enters the nucleus and pair up with the free strand of DNA
___K. Free RNA nucleotides enters the nucleus and pair up with the free strand of DNA
III. Transcribe the DNA nucleotides into mRNA and Translate it to sequence of amino acids
DISREGARDING START and STOP codons. Refer to the Genetic Code Table.

mRNA ________________________________________________


Prepared by : LORENA T. MARTIN Recommending approval: EDLIE S. ARTICULO, MAED

Subject Teacher Head Teacher I


Grade 10 Chairman School Principal II

Parent’s signature: ____________________________

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