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Samuel, Naza, 

ok guys, this is a yes for the end of the year publication! 

it was long to confirm because of budget but apparently we will get an extra from
the school. 
here is what we can afford for the moment:

-you come to meet the students and production facilities asap for one or 1or  2
days. 250€ for each + transport 150€ = 400€ for each of you. It has to be a monday
or a Thursday. accommodation is organised by school.
-you define the project on the side and via emails and come back for one week in
june for production with 1st year students. 1500€ for both (750€ each) + transport
150 each= 1800€.accommodation is organised by school.
-Production price itself is to define with Rietveld ateliers. but here are the
prices for offset:
20€  for A2 plate + 5€ Plot + taxes 21%. it's made outside so no special deal
at school the use of the machine including ink and chemicals is 5€ /plates for
whatever amount of prints.
self drawing directly on plate and developping is 12.50€/ plates all together.
This is the busiest time of the year at the printing workshop so it has to be
planned in front for dates..

 Then maybe you have better plan for production. 

We give around the half away to the students (who can contribute financially
maybe), you and promotion of school and try to sell the other half.
we make around 500 copies if at school it's the same price for one or 1000 copies. 
Then we sell it for 10 to 15 € through independent circuit like Motto and others.
Maybe you have other ideas to include publisher for production etc. 
The guy running the school library and a bookshop in Amsterdam called San Serriff
already wants to organise a launch.

my best,

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