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People have always been different from each other. We have different hopes, different
aspirations, different ways of living life. Because of that, we all have different points of view and
perspectives. Some are similar, which is the principal reason why people enter all sorts of
relationships. Some, however, may be on opposite ends of the spectrum, which is not
necessarily a negative aspect, because that is where debate is born, and that helps us evolve as
a whole human mentality.
The statement above can be compared to actual physical vision, which can differ in two ways:
the eyesight you are born with, and the one that you end up with after going through life. First
of all, people are all born with different eyesight – it may be good or you may need glasses to
see clearly. Similarly, a person can be positive from the beginning of their lives, always seeing
the glass half full and enjoying life as best as they can, or they can be pessimistic, never satisfied
with what they are given or with what is bound to happen.
Secondarily, we can also compare eyesight that has been damaged over the years with a
perspective that has been darkened because of traumatic or difficult times in their lives. A
person could still be perfectly happy, seeing the world in vivid colors and enjoying every bit of
it, or their vision could be clouded and gloom, not because they are a bad person, but because
life has not treated them right.
However, I believe that even though you can not always change your eyesight, you can change
the way you view the world. You can choose to see it in vibrant colors, living your life to the
fullest. You can choose to see it in delicate pastels, focus on the peace and calm in the world.
You can even choose to see it in greys, and blacks, and whites, not taking into consideration the
beauty of this reality and concentrating on pure facts. What is to be remembered is that you
yourself are the artist and not anybody else. You are the one who decides what colors you use
to paint the world today.

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