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Exercise 6 – page 152

“We should spend more money on preserving our past – it is too important to lose.”
Time always seems to outrun our expectations. We try to keep up, while also remaining
grounded, but we end up baffled in the eye of its storm, lost among deadlines and chores. We
push ourselves to do better, we try to match its pace. We are told to only look forward, because
we have already seen what is behind us. Tomorrow is always more appealing, the more
advanced version of yesterday.
Perhaps we should take a moment to identify one thing that had the greatest influence on
shaping our world, shaping us as a society, and us as individuals. I think that most of our
answers, in some form or another, would point towards history.  History can be as parochial as
one’s family lineage, or as global as planetary evolution.  Between these two extremes reside
most of the events that have made us who we are and will influence who we are to become. 
These are things that are worthy of preservation.
In order for historic preservation to remain relevant and sustainable, it must not only reinstate
the past; it must prepare for the future.  This is particularly true in today’s environment in
which highly energy efficient buildings that are durable and sustainable are becoming
increasingly desirable or even required in some jurisdictions.  Historic preservation guidelines
should be reviewed to ensure that they are not self-defeating. For the most part,
preservationists are truly passionate about safeguarding our history and heritage, and have
done a remarkable job despite many challenges.  In order for that mission to witness continued
or greater success, the preservationist perspective may need to broaden to include, and
embrace long term sustainability with equal passion.
A lot of things are said to be worthwhile of investing our time in. But when it comes to
preserving out past, I believe that time is the one that we should be investing in.

Exercise 5.2. – page 164

As the quantity of students that partake in brandishing exercises is diminishing, the students
were approached to take overviews to improve the circumstance. The motivation behind this
proposition is to layout the territories which need improving and to make suggestions for taking
the enthusiasm for sport back to students.

Perhaps the most serious issue laid out by the study was the absence of intrigue youthful
students have for brandishing exercises. This is an aftereffect of a over-technologized lifestyle.
These days, kids think of it as increasingly critical to be dynamic on Facebook or Instagram
instead of performing physical exercises. A recommendation is to have a concurrence with the
guardians of the new age to diminish the utilization of the telephone and computer games by
their youngsters.

Another issue that the overview uncovered was the remainder of gear required for specific
exercises. Without expert and quality gear, youngsters don't appear as inspired to do physical
action. In addition, the students griped about the absence of football fields and ball courts, so
puts where explicit games can be played. An answer for this issue may be some financing from
nearby specialists and organization.

All in all, I accept that the zones recognized in this proposal are the ones that are most needing
improvement. On the off chance that the proposals above are followed, I accept they would
have the help of every one of our students.

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